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Everything posted by Zontar

  1. I would take their boring wins and Grey Cups over the ****-show in Hamilton any day. Yup. And I mean, what class by those ticats when they jumped into the boat in our old stadium. It was as if ron burgandy himself was celebrating.. Fixed.
  2. I would take their boring wins and Grey Cups over the ****-show in Hamilton any day. Really ?
  3. Say good bye to the most boring superstar on the most boring dynasty in memory. All that was missing was equally boring Cahoon to put everyone to sleep. Too bad - league could have really marketed a record setting QB on a great team if they posessed a detectable personality.
  4. Smells like a Plan C hire. Bombers dont need an "ideas" guy they need steady experienced coaching.
  5. No new talks is prolly more accurate. HAM no doubt have an offer on the table already and bounced ball into Burris' court.
  6. Didn't play enought to get hurt. Salary, age, slowing, doesnt play STs....a bad mix. Too bad, he was fun.
  7. Clarifying pass interference....an idea 45 years in the making.
  8. Sounds like a done deal. Not much to do with CFL mind you, this is about TML having penis envy of all the "winter classics" and no suitable place to hold one and MLSE achieving a an almost total monopoly of pro sports in TOR. Its good news, eastern media interests will dutifully report on CFL more as a matter of corporate policy and it shows CFL isnt the economically toxic property the haters have been preaching for years.
  9. Marshall. You've got enough rookies to nursemaid.
  10. From Columbus, Ohio, 5 hours from Hamilton.
  11. Schemes got him canned from his university gig, too. Do not hire him.
  12. Lets not go nuts here. Khari was OC in HAM for a year and was considerably underwhelming. I think him and Marcel are a wash.
  13. Is it possible he could have improved after going to Hamilton? I didn't pay attention to him myself so I'm honestly not that sure. Zero dropoff from Oneil to Hage. Zero.
  14. If you knew what you were talking about you would know ONeil has already started over a dozen games at centre for HAM at centre and was effective.
  15. If i had to guess any anger would be leaving him unprotected as a perceived lack of respect for a veteran and a big community guy. and I'm sure there a ton of Bomber fans, too, of whom the only players they care about are the highly acessible local ones like Hage.
  16. Only if you're in some kind of bizzaro world. They have one starting quality NI in Shologan. Almost all of their OL are damaged goods or failed prospects, a couple are still prospects. Hage and Eppele would stroll into the Bomber O-Line. Hage is done with the knee injury. Eppele will have a long career in a 9 team league, but is he anything more than an average guard. Not yet. You could put Morley in Eppele's jersey and Eppelle in Morley's and you wouldn't know the difference aside from Morley's gut. Hage isn't done. If there was an injury concern then Ottawa would never have taken him. He'll be the starting center in Ottawa for the nest 3 or 4 years. That's an awfully bold prediction considering he's been quoted as saying he's not even sure he'd report to them. That situation aside, there's no way Hage has 3 years of starters mileage left in him. Not even sure he'd even be starting one year even if he did report.
  17. Only if you're in some kind of bizzaro world. They have one starting quality NI in Shologan. Almost all of their OL are damaged goods or failed prospects, a couple are still prospects. Hage and Eppele would stroll into the Bomber O-Line. Hage is done with the knee injury. Eppele will have a long career in a 9 team league, but is he anything more than an average guard. Not yet. You could put Morley in Eppele's jersey and Eppelle in Morley's and you wouldn't know the difference aside from Morley's gut. Hage isn't done. If there was an injury concern then Ottawa would never have taken him. He'll be the starting center in Ottawa for the nest 3 or 4 years. No way in hell.
  18. TOR leaving Pottinger unprotected was a moderate surprise.
  19. Losing Lavoie was a kick in the nuts for MTL - guy was a monster on STs. Overall CAL takes it in the arse the worst, imo.
  20. Yesterday's man? I don't think so. Not even close. Fourth job in five years. Has to be said.
  21. Stubler : A catch 22 for new regime. You need more expereince on the sideline but run the risk of being stuck with a "yesterday's man" type coach.
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