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Everything posted by Zontar

  1. Doesn't matter, whoever they hired he'd be snide and negative about them. That's all he does. If it was Cortez media would bring up his failures in HAM.
  2. a TiCat fan hating on Osh... ...colour me shocked. Not hating. Just questioning.
  3. And it's also a lot more than drawing plays on a whiteboard and barking formations into a headset, which is apparently the only things guys like Cortez and Burke are good at. Or just yelling at the refs and giving your inconsistent QB withering looks as he throws an INT in the last two minutes and loses the game, like Austin. You wouldnt want Austin as HC here?
  4. I know being a professional HC is more than " hey, guys , be like me when I played. "
  5. You loved the George Cortez hire, so I'm okay with your opinion. Compare their coaching resumes before making the jump to HC and you would see why. Far as I can see O'shea was hired because ... 1. He was a good player on good teams. 2 . He coached something. You're right. I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that he is regarded as one of the best on-field leaders in the history of the CFL. You loved the George Cortez hire, so I'm okay with your opinion. Compare their coaching resumes before making the jump to HC and you would see why. Far as I can see O'shea was hired because ... 1. He was a good player on good teams. 2 . He coached something. You're right. I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that he is regarded as one of the best on-field leaders in the history of the CFL. That aint coaching and you know it.
  6. You loved the George Cortez hire, so I'm okay with your opinion. Compare their coaching resumes before making the jump to HC and you would see why. Far as I can see O'shea was hired because ... 1. He was a good player on good teams. 2 . He coached something.
  7. Burke , as the archtiect of "Swaggerville", had the team in the palm of his hand and still screwed the pooch. O'Shea wasnt even a DC and gets promoted with less coaching experience than Kavis Reed. Sceptical on this hire.
  8. A huge PI call on Anderson would be cool, but I find his trademark 20-yard double-objectional-conduct meltdowns more entertaining to watch. Cant have a team of all choir boys but the fact Riders went out of their way and signed this **** bag headcase has got to be worth something in the Karma dept. Ditto selfish, girlfriend beating Sheets.
  9. Kinda hoping for a game killing PI call on Anderson but heart's not set on it. Any 'ol victory will do.
  10. 3-15 and a cluster-****** orgainzation does tend to be a buzz-kill. I know, I've seen the movie here.
  11. Funny, I feel just the opposite, friends, family all jacked up.
  12. I'm sure you'll get in the swing of things when CAL or WPG are back in it.
  13. Weird how interest level goes way up when your team is in it and then goes down when it is not.
  14. So far the jump from DC to HC has been littered with their corpses. Not sold if this a good hire. Better than what they had - which isnt saying much.
  15. HAM DE Brandon Boudreaux when asked about breaking curfew.... "From what I understand there are no distractions in Regina becaue there is nothing to there whatsoever."
  16. While true, I stand by my point that he's a jackass. Like Zontar said, he goes out of his way to rile people up. I'm pretty sure he knew what kind of reaction he'd get as a TO journalist insulting a prairie city. Bingo. Expect back-handed compliments too like "Regina is a nice litle town, friendly folks, Corner Gas was a funny show" etc.
  17. Simmons knows how to press buttons. He knows western resentments and SSK insecurities. He worked at CAL SUN before returning to TOR.
  18. I've made that drive during GC week. It aint Honolulu.
  19. Would be a solid hire. Great football man, great guy in general. Would hate to lose him.
  20. This is all true. Also on the impossible to like list are Durant, Sheets, & Chamblin. I took the Stamps loss last week almost as badly as I would a Bomber loss, just b/c I so badly wanted Calgary to have their dressing room and win a Cup in their home. There problem with some Ticat fan posters, yourself excluded, is they seek out other sites to troll. For the most part Rider fans just take part in being knobs on their own site. But at least these guys "trolling" our site actually know something about football. They're clearly fans. The biggest issue with Rider "fans", by far, is that they're among the least knowledgeable in the country. As Dave mentioned, they know less about their OWN team, never mind the rest of the league, than the average person on this site knows about the Riders. Yet, they go around talking like they're the best football fans in the world. They make me sick, period. Often "trolling" is defined as simply stuff you dont like. But, whatever. Just glad I'm not the only one that can seperate the myth from the reality in regards to the riders.
  21. Don't know how any non Rider supporter could be rooting for them on Sun. The bizarre mix of arrogance and insecurity that produces something like "Canada's Team". Not sure what the psychiatric term is for the bravado of acting dominant with prideful independence whilst at the same time actively seeking attention and approval from the very people they say they dont care about. and if that wasnt reason enough - Dwight Anderson. No one is forcing you to cheer for HAM but , geez, rooting for SSK becasue you dont like some TC posters ?
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