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Everything posted by tacklewasher

  1. I've got my Jets masks, and ordered dog and floral designs for my wife. Figure they are going to be needed for a year or two, so may as well be something nicer than black. If the CFL ever starts up, will get a Bombers mask.
  2. Watched it and then removed the auto recording of it on my PVR. About as good as I expected it to be.
  3. As someone who lived in the Vancouver area, traffic here is nothing. Plus my commute is under 5 mins if I dont bike it.
  4. Wasn't Covid parties, but it was July 1st and some pub hopping was going on. That's why it's spread around to a few locations and why it's mostly younger people. Kelowna is a nice place to live and, normally, a great place to visit.
  5. Good article on Trudeau https://www.cnn.com/2020/07/17/opinions/trudeaus-ethics-scandal-pandemic-we-charity-bociurkiw/?hpt=ob_blogfooterold Especially this part "While it may be too early to pen Trudeau's political obituary — the opposition Conservative Party is in the midst of a leadership race and none of the candidates exude star power " He's going to survive this as the Cons still don't have the leader they need to oust him.
  6. BC had over 100 this last weekend.Kelowna has 60 reported cases from the the July 1st festivities. I thought we were doing better than that, but we just took a turn for the worse. Hope it stops and we get back on track.
  7. Nah. Just blame posting on a phone
  8. No ****. He looks far more sober then lots I see on the ourse.
  9. I can live without a 2020 season, I just don't want the CFL to fold over Covid.
  10. So. We can expect him on the TSN panel one day? BTW I agree.
  11. 3 wolves and a sheep deciding on lunch. SMH
  12. Yup. And I'm not sure the current candidates can do it either. I applaud what Trudeau has done to manage the Covid crisis, but outside of that he's just like any other politician.
  13. Yes. It will hold. If the SNC stuff didn't stick, this will be gone in a week.
  14. And, no surprise to anyone, Tulsa has seen an increase in Covid cases. https://www.cnn.com/2020/07/08/us/tulsa-covid-trump-rally-contact-tracers-trnd/index.html
  15. Him and Sanchez are two reasons to stop watching halftime shows. God their are both pieces of ****.
  16. Looks like the convo is started up again. Same day as Washington finally says they will look at their name. I think both need to change.
  17. Not sure how many have seen this video. Didn't realize it was true. https://www.thegrowthop.com/cannabis-news/what-happened-when-nasa-gave-spiders-marijuana
  18. Comparing 7.6M people to 5.1M, just to put this in perspective. Please leave the frikken border closed.
  19. Don't suggest that to Trump or you know what he will try to enforce.
  20. Follow the link to Sheri Forde's comments in point 6 of the article for a bigger sad. https://medium.com/@sheriforde22/the-wrong-side-of-the-fence-f14013310c16 More death threats from a mixed marriage.
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