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bigg jay

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Everything posted by bigg jay

  1. Thread title: 2023/2024 CFL (Non Bombers) Off Season News. Lots of talk about it in this and other threads.
  2. 2 year deal for Walters, no details available for McManus or Goveia. Formal announcement from the club expected later today. https://www.winnipegfreepress.com/breakingnews/2023/11/28/bombers-gm-walters-assistants-have-new-deals
  3. So when Lalji and Naylor (of all people) say it, you take as gospel but when other, more locally in touch media report on it, you take a wait and see approach?
  4. Getting ranked 3rd overall is pretty impressive considering they has us at 422th (out of 439) for climate. We must have done really well in the other categories!
  5. At least Bilbo came home with a ring! 😂
  6. I have no doubt we were banged up at receiver but we had guys we could have used instead. Did BOLO even see the field? Ambles was brought in for this exact scenario and wasn't dressed. Grant started the game at receiver but I didn't notice him there after that. The options were there and we chose not to use them. The decision to let these all these guys play in their condition was a failure of the coaching staff and the players themselves.
  7. I believe so. A bunch of highly rated prospects deferred their draft year to this year, iirc. **Found the article** https://3downnation.com/2023/03/22/personnel-people-confused-by-top-canadian-prospects-deferring-to-2024-cfl-draft/
  8. *Finds @JCon way down in the Pick EM standings* He'll fit right in with the rest of the media! 😂
  9. The lack of Kolankowski love is an outrage - John Hodge (probably).
  10. Yup, I always open the image itself in a new tab so I can copy that info rather than user a site-generated link. Some files aren't actually GIFs either, they could be webp files or some other animated image, and that can also be an issue for the site. I try to stick to images in actual gif format.
  11. I post gifs from an android phone all the time - Samsung or Pixel but you don't have to use that box. Just paste the link in the with the rest of your text. I have noticed is that sometimes when I paste the link, I have to hit enter (like to create a new paragraph) or the page won't recognize the text as a link. A little message will pop up saying your link has automatically been embedded and the gif will show up.
  12. I wish the playoffs were included in the voting. The MODP and MOP were absolute no-shows when it mattered.
  13. Yep, at least one. Last month, we gave Edmonton their first return TD in almost a decade.
  14. He's probably still down money but he's already making some of it back in playoff bonuses. Wouldn't have gotten an extra cent if he had signed with the Riders.
  15. I wonder if it's too late to fly Fajardo's BFF out to Hamilton?
  16. Hodge now has an article up on the 3DN blog. https://3downnation.com/2023/11/15/kyle-walters-wants-to-be-back-as-gm-of-winnipeg-blue-bombers-expects-clarity-very-quickly/
  17. This will be my contribution to the GC party I'm going to: https://www.thechunkychef.com/spicy-brown-sugar-bacon-wrapped-little-smokies/
  18. Miller's Meats or Boulevard Fine Meats and Deli usually have them.
  19. I get that but that's also right after a huge loss so there's some emotion involved. Fwiw, I do think he's calling it a career but his pre-game comments make me think there's still a chance he comes back.
  20. I'm not ready to close the books on his career just yet. Can't find the quote but this week he said he was definitely done in Toronto and was hoping to wrap up his career with another grey cup. The way he phrased it made me wonder if he wasn't leaving the door open for a team (BC probably) to bring him in next year. The way BC employs the run game, it might actually be a good fit. Minimal wear and tear on a running back in that offence.
  21. Same. It was the only noteworthy thing he did. Zero stats recorded for Betts, the supposed MODP in the West. Willie and Jackson outplayed him by a wide margin.
  22. A friend is hosting this year so I'm looking for something to bring that can be pre-made and brought with ne. Got a couple ideas but looking forward to seeing what pops up here.
  23. If our DL plays like they did last night, Cody (despite being a legendary warrior, playing with a bad knee, shoulder, no brain, etc) won't last the first half.
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