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Super Duper Negatron

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Everything posted by Super Duper Negatron

  1. Studies appear to be coming out that are also confirming this approach for younger (under 50) healthy people. I have my first 3 and honestly am torn on whether to get another at this point.
  2. "No Gain-er" Or Rogainer? Not 100% on the appearance jokes, but it fits.
  3. I dont watch any NFL. Is the Ravens QB always that terrible?
  4. Wait...how could BC sign Rourke to a bigger contract in his rookie option year?
  5. How in the hell was the Bear put under Musical or Comedy?
  6. I know I am late on this, but holy hell is Andor good. It isn't just good Star Wars (I always "liked" Star Wars but never really cared that deeply about the world or the characters), it is just plain good TV.
  7. Portugal throwing themselves to the ground in the box after falling behind has been embarrassing so far.
  8. We basically all agreed never to let Prukop pass again, and Brown hasn't really proven anything yet.
  9. I would take Fajardo as a backup. He is a wiener, but better than our other two backups and has been proven effective behind a good o-line.
  10. You have the "option" of not reading it! Or do you?
  11. Moral victories are, as always, for the loser.
  12. Canada looked good, but it doesn't matter if the other team buries their chances and you don't, regardless of how many you get.
  13. Its not even the blocked field goal that goes through my head. It is the 2nd down throw to Demski that got knocked down at the line. That is the play I will be seeing 10 years from now when I look back on this turd.
  14. This week has sucked. Among other things, I am currently getting **** on unfairly from someone who is unhappy with the way I am volunteering my time (you can probably guess what the volunteering is), and am about ready to quit. I couldn't sleep on Sunday or Monday, and this new drama has wrecked last night's sleep as well, so I am currently miserable.
  15. All eyes on the Tampa Bay Lightning. As they go, so go the Bombers.
  16. I know this will just come off as me being me, but even if that kick goes through, Toronto finds a way. Chad Kelly would pull a Kenny Ploen or some ****. It was in the stars.
  17. I wish I cared more about the Jets, because it will be a long winter.
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