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Everything posted by Jpan85

  1. You can check him out on Sportsnet360 right now in the Yates Cup.
  2. I think he would show you his Grey Cup ring and beg to differ.
  3. Owens last year was bullshit, shoulda been Ray as the argos nominee then too cause without Ray Owens is not nearly as impressive a player. By that thinking than AC should of been the East nominee over Ray and should of won the MOP.
  4. Works the other way too if Redblacks value the non-import talent that the have Argos more than the Collaros. Could draft a QB like Glenn and develop a QB for 2-3 years. just saying, there's a potential coup here for the GM of a team that needs to improve at O-Line and QB right away. Definitely, which is why I think they will target the best O-line talent first. Need to protect the quarterback they draft because in most all likely hood it will be a significant drop off from the starter to the backup.
  5. Works the other way too if Redblacks value the non-import talent that the have Argos more than the Collaros. Could draft a QB like Glenn and develop a QB for 2-3 years.
  6. Realistically you are not going to have permission to have all the candidates interviewed till after the Grey Cup. So you are not going to be hire someone till first week of December.
  7. As for the money question he has been asked the same question dozens of times has given the answer everytime. I think he is just fustrated at answering a question the reporter knows the answer to.
  8. This would made a lot more sense if the rumour was Brett MacNeil at least he has some coaching experience with the Bisons and Rifles.
  9. On any other team January would get tons of praise but here he is lumped in with the rest of the oline.
  10. Up to late September I know the Bombers had one of the highest TD ratios in the red zone in the whole league. When Goltz was in it was automatic six points inside the 5. Remember in 2010 when getting in from the one was a dicey situation.
  11. Pretty much the same as Mike. In terms of Neg list players I am getting Brock Jensen from NDSU on that list immediately. If this guy does not get on a NFL roster as practice player or 3rd QB I want him up here. He has done it all in his time at NDSU has won 2 national championships/national championship MVPs and is in position to make a run for his third in a row. In that time he has won all but one game as the starter for them. He has great mobility to get out of the pocket and run. Is not asked to pass a lot in the run heavy NDSU offense but can get it done through the air. Reminded me a little of Travis Lulay when I have seen him play. The biggest thing though it comes back to is that he is a winner.
  12. To be fair, Chamblin walked into a relatively comfy gig in Saskatchewan that was no where near as bad as what is waiting for the new guy here. Khari doesn't seem to be a guy ready for that kind of adversity yet. They were 5-13. There defense was a mess. I'll give you they had a quarterback but no running back, lacked quality import WRs offensive line was a mess.
  13. They have been calling every season ticket holder.
  14. and you'd get turned down. a third pick and a maybe-next-year-pick isn't worth as much to the Argos as having Collaros as a shield to our other players in the dispersal draft... ie: the guys we protect because he gets taken would be worth more to us than a 3rd rounder. Really good post. Once a team has a QB poached, they get to protect additional NI's; don't they? I had drawn up a post based on lack of competition; but it's moot given this scenario. Depends on how Toronto values their other NI's. Toronto one would think would protect Durie, Keeping, Eppele, Holmes, Van Zeyl, and Reinders... I don't know their roster terribly well beyond that, but that would leave Watt, Lee, Laing, Pottinger, Gabriel and Black as NI starters from this year. What is retaining 2 or 3 more NI's worth to the Argos? Look at our NI problems this year to see the real picture. Would the Argos rather retain say Watt and Gabriel, or be left to pick up Ottawa's scraps (say... Akeem Foster and Teague Sherman)? What's that worth? Could work the other way too. Ottawa sees that there are a couple Canadians that they really value but if they select Collaros that they will not be available. Add to the fact that there is no guarantee that Collaros will sign with them. So instead they go after Glenn or Tate. Making sure the Argo's can't protect additional Canadians. This whole thing is a crap shoot and nobody knows who Ottawa values at this point.
  15. while i do agree with you, nothing at this point would surprise me.. im not going to get the torches ready until something concrete is done.. but to be honest, dunigan as GM doesnt scare me as much as it should for some reason.. with walters as AGM, I would easily be on board.. khari as HC... thats scary lol Khari as HC wouldn't be too bad IMO if he had two veteran coordinators. Rick Worman, Craig Dickinson and Kavis Reed would be plenty of experience. I agree. Khari's strengths would be that he is a former QB, is very charasmatic, a good ambasador for the team, appears that he'd be a good leader/motivator and players would want to play for him, and it would also excite fans and help with selling tickets. Downside is a lack of experience (he's only been in coaching as an OC and QB coach for 5 years), but like you say, that can be addressed by hiring experienced coordinators. To be fair Cory Chamblin was only a coach for 5 years and never had played in the CFL
  16. They already have a problem selling tickets with Tim Burke. First season in a new stadium, how many sellouts? They budgeted for 31,500 per game, did they get that? The were just under that it was over 30500 if I remember correctly.
  17. Bombers are going to have leverage though with multiple teams having QBs to offer.
  18. He said one had a concussion all year... That would be Woodruff with Montreal I would think.
  19. No one with 3 strikes or 4 strikes had a correct guess. So as a tie breaker I will use the playoff games to decide between the people who last week had 3 strikes. Put an entry in this week. A strike and your out. Correct pick and move on. If all are wrong move on to the Division Finals. The people left are. M.O.A.B. Noeller tacklewasher cdnfreak Jacquie Places picks below.
  20. I'd list them as: 1. Dave Dickenson 2. Chris Jones 3. Marcel Bellefeuille 4. Tom Higgins 5. Khari Jones 6. Kavis Reed 7. Paul Lapolice 8. Doug Berry I'm sure there are others, but those come to mind. Rick Campbell is on that list somewhere, and probably close to the top. He knows the Eskimo Way. Hopefully better than Kavis did. That was his mantra when he first got there, "the Eskimo way."
  21. Rick Campbell will also be high on their list with his connections to the organization.
  22. Makes sense with Geno Atkins done for the year. Probably not a long term landing spot due to the depth of the Bengles at DT.
  23. 2005 we won more games but those guys could not stop anyone. 500 yards offence against was the norm that year.
  24. Casey Bramlet. Not worst ever but wish Kliff Kingsbury would of stuck around, what he is doing at Texas Tech is amazing.
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