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Everything posted by Jpan85

  1. Interesting from O'Shea Chung has only missed one assignment through the first three days of camp
  2. Yup we will have a group this year. Will announce details when we get everything set up. Also will have Lock of the Week and Pick'ems games too.
  3. I am sure Picard is fine talked to media after practice.
  4. If you do not like what i am typing then do not read. How about that? I know more about football than pretty much all of you combined and have more experience to back it up. Deal with it. IC Khari I see now what they mean by you being the most annoying poster here. You have zero knowledge of anything and lack sense in anything you type. Obviously you have never been around a football team or the media. I can assure you that the local media talk about things all the time. It's their right. Try being involved with NHL media outside Winnipeg. I can not tell as i am not inside the locker room. But they are. And if they say its an unusual locker room then they are right. If you recall few years ago with Mike Kelly how he did not like the locker room and tried to make changes just on that alone. It's a serious problem. Some of these players join cliques that stick with them to the pros. You can tell already that 3 of 4 players are extremely close. You don't think this shows inside the locker room. Do you think they are all buddies? most of these players dont give a damn about one another so put down your pride and get a reality check. This is pro football. I can tell from day 1 from the break that the coaches distant themselves from players as there already is a social barrier. MOS last year alone spoke about being a player coach trying to build a nucleus that can help build this team up from the ground. Saskatchewan did a great job with that. Winnipeg has struggled. Gotta keep the locker room together and it starts in camp. so far it might not be going to well. No media these days is in the locker rooms all media is done on field after practice. Maybe except after a game.
  5. I'll take Terry Sawchuck as the best NHLer from Manitoba.
  6. He played in that new professional league last year
  7. If he has a strain or a mild pull that can easily turn into something more severe. I would rather not him out a couple days than a couple months.
  8. Being play by play for the Bombers would be a upgrade over a fill in show host Bomber beat reporter for TSN.
  9. Nice to see noël prefontaine guest coaching in blue bomber camp. — Bob Irving (@BobIrvingCJOB) May 31, 2015
  10. Looks like Richards is nicked up and watching today. Stoudamire working with offence. Per Tait, Penton Bauming
  11. I do believe in Toronto Remple played some snaps on O. I think he even scored a touchdown against us a couple years ago.
  12. That's a really big move to get the best long snapper in the league
  13. The more I read and watch the more I like Micheal PS Hayes of the Fabulous Freebirds. The guy should be in the hall of fame. The Freebirds may have been the hottest heels in wrestling history with there fued with Von Erichs. Also he was the originator of the walk in music. Badstreet USA might be the best theme in Wrestling history.
  14. Sounds like Waggoner might be a SP teams beast from day one too
  15. BREAKING: #Ticats special teams ace Marc Beswick has retired. Will finish tied for team record in career ST tackles. #CFL — Drew Edwards (@scratchingpost) May 29, 2015
  16. Just watched Waggoner scrum reminded me of Man is he excited to be here
  17. Also the road game is at Varsity stadium in Toronto not sure how easy it would be to do a broadcast from there
  18. I have been working with BSI for both my home and business insurance have been very pleased. Especially with the business insurance part need some different types of insurance and were able to find what I needed.
  19. Chris Ackie is also unsigned Popp gave him his last offer not going to negotiate anymore.
  20. Randle is a really good tackler don't get to see it often but watch him on special teams rarely miss a tackle.
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