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Everything posted by Jpan85

  1. Special teams penalties often cause huge yardage swings
  2. I have a pair of gloves worn by Ike Charton in 2007 Grey Cup
  3. Also them embracing the Globals has led to advantage of being to use all roster spots to during the game.
  4. I have been laughing this week as 3dn has been going through the top paid at each position. The value the Bombers get is comical guys have taken incredible discounts to stay here.
  5. I would not be surprised if we seeBrooks back on the PGA tour at some point. He was in a pretty bad place health and game wise when he flipped. He was broken and did not think he could compete anymore and took the guaranteed money.
  6. They are killing teams they should. They have hit more HR than runs given up.
  7. draft good and hit all your trades when you sell
  8. What the Bombers have done outside of winning is make going to games an event. They have a lot of activities and things for families, young adults, and everyone in between. What they have done pre-game lower the cost of concessions and beer has made it economically friends. I know was at the arena couple of weeks ago and got a hot dog and drink and it was $16 bucks. For that, I could have got a drink and 3 hot dogs at the stadium.
  9. He also stole a few Packer players when he was in Winnipeg https://www.si.com/nfl/2016/02/01/nfl-mmqb-bud-grant-minnesota-vikings-super-bowl-losses-vince-lombardi-disklike
  10. Jpan85


    Amazing last two shots by Dunstone
  11. Heck I think when I was in History program at U of W it was mandatory to a certain amount of Canadian history course but that was 20 years ago.
  12. Liriam and his family came to this country as refuges with just the clothes on their backs. I don't blame him for trying to maximize his potential to earn life-changing money.
  13. Found a professional football team the Argos can out draw lol!
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