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Everything posted by Jpan85

  1. Stacy Natress is the worst so high pitched and nasally I refuse to listen to her.
  2. I also think that helps Canadian viewership too. There not more on TV on Sunday night during the summer.
  3. I don't mind Thursday's. I end up taking the Friday after the game off of work. It's nice since it does not get in the way with any weekend plans.
  4. The Trifon Agoritios in the wiki article actual went on to own several pizza places in Saskatchewan called Trifions. One of my favourite pizza places when I lived in Regina. Also had good greek wings.
  5. Pretty dumb words from the lead pxp guy. I am sure he is winning hearts and minds in that locker room with the comments.
  6. My first day back here since Sunday. Needed a few days to decompress.
  7. Been a long since they had same roster in consecutive games hopefully Adams is go to go the Jeff’s are much better when they can rotate in and out
  8. Former commissioner of the league still staying neutral lol
  9. I am guessing less than half the players fill out their ballots if the collective bargaining agreement was any indication
  10. There are high school fields in the US that hold 25,000 people
  11. Jordan Younger needs some sort of award 3 straight years he has had to rework the secondary. I think between SAM, S and the two field DB they have had around 10-12 players rotate through those positions this year.
  12. Why would you want him out on a frozen field with a tweaked ankle
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