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Mr. Perfect

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Everything posted by Mr. Perfect

  1. But as Bluto pointed out, if (most likely when) Mack gets canned, it will be Butchko who fires him, and he'll also sadly be in charge of hiring a new GM as well. That in itself is reason enough to get comments from him. He does have a role when it comes to the on field product.
  2. Because he's the CEO and the top dog for one. If the product sucks, and he's the leader of the ship of a community owned team, he shouldn't be shying away from tough questions. Sure Friesen has....questionable articles, but I think for the most part Penton does a solid job, so because "it's the Sun" I don't think is a just reason to turn down the interview request, if indeed that was the reason. As I said, would they be shy if the team's record was 4-1? Not likely.
  3. http://www.winnipegsun.com/2013/07/28/bombers-get-no-spark-from-new-returner Article from Kirk Penton about the disappointing debut of Aaron Woods. The last sentence of the Late Hits portion of the article caught my attention: "Requests by the Winnipeg Sun on Sunday to speak to president/CEO Garth Buchko and GM Joe Mack about the team's 1-4 start were declined." I think it reflects poorly on the team, especially a community owned team when the top goes into hiding. Would they do the same if the team was 4-1? I tend to doubt it. This is their mess.
  4. Of course you didn't know he was an import...
  5. So to summarize, we don't blitz, we don't get pressure, our DB's are to slow for man, not smart enough for zone, but aside from that, hey, it's not so bad, right?
  6. It's not like our receivers are dropping balls. The onus is on the QB's, and the OC to design a way to get them the ball. The receivers don't have magic wands that make the balls be where they should be.
  7. Because on this team, while quarterback play is no question an issue, it is FAR from the biggest issue. Didn't think I'd actually have to spell that out.
  8. 78/91, 1095 Yards, 7 TD's There are no words. Sure glad we can all agree Buck Pierce is the biggest problem with this team.
  9. And your quarterback is making his first career start, ideally, how many times would you want to run the ball in the first half? For the record, Simpson had 4 carries in that situation. Great work Crowton!
  10. Lyle Bauer was great at generating money for the club, however his interference in the on field operations were devastating. His personal vendetta against Dave Ritchie, adding Jim Daley to the coaching staff, so he knew the second Ritchie stumbled he would fire him. The Berry/Kelly fiasco, how things went down with Taman and how he kept the purse strings so low that it gave us practically no chance to win, then the optics when he left the team after the mess he left it in....Bauer is a goof!
  11. Realistically though, how big of an impact would he have with them? Aside from Cam Wake, not many have had the boom or sticking factor he's had. Would be great to see Vega back here.
  12. After one decent half in week 5 of the season? Yikes...
  13. Esks QB's are a combined 6 for 16...
  14. Because we're such a model franchise when it comes to coaches coming and going haha!
  15. There's a very good reason why it's best to avoid rash decisions at QB. Hervey is proof in the pudding.
  16. Not likely. Just signed an extension before the season started.
  17. I'm tempted to go back on OB just to see how many people were mad that we didn't do more to acquire Mike Reilly
  18. The odd bad punt? He is as inconsistent as there is in the league when it comes to how he kicks the ball. There is a reason Burke has singled him out more than once this season.
  19. Snagged by Montreal. What a novel concept, bringing in players to push those who are struggling...
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