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Everything posted by Noeller

  1. Fogg has been talked about in national media circles as a potential all-league ROTY going back weeks now.....
  2. Slam dunk over Kevin Fogg? Really...?
  3. I'm tempted by Harris, but I'm going to stick with Messam.....
  4. For me, it's both. The dude CLEARLY knows what he's doing when it comes to managing an offense in the CFL, and grooming QBs. If he tells me that he thinks Drew Willy is a guy he wants, there is just no way you can argue it sanely.
  5. Last I saw they were up......but I'd be curious to see Iso's numbers....
  6. Only QBs I'd want in return would be Glenn or Lulay, realistically.....not sure either of these happen. As long as Montreal is in a hunt, they're not going to deal Glenn, and they're very much in the playoff picture over there.
  7. The Wylie supper at a 529 Wellington, as I understand it, is a promise made by him for when the OL achieve 3 things in one game: 1) 0 sacks 2) 100yds rushing 3) Win the game Neat thing for them to do at any rate...
  8. That's fair.......but I have no reason not to trust him, 'cause he doesn't really talk about potential trades very often, so if he's saying there's something going on, you have to believe there's fire behind the smoke.
  9. earlier this season, when Harris was tearing it up, and people were questioning the decision to let him go, Barker said "we offered him more than Ottawa, but he chose to take less and go there..."
  10. If SM says yes, who are you to argue? That's all I'm saying.....I trust Scott Milanovich to know more than any of us.
  11. Have a peek at Scott Milanovich's QB history. If SM wants a guy as his QB, that's saying something........
  12. 100% ....guy has been a band aid for awhile. Bombers need a vet back up QB who can work within this system. Whether that's Willy or someone else. As someone else posted, Irving noted that Barker has said he'd absolutely pay Willy 400k+ "in a heartbeat". Not surprising. Ricky Ray's time in Toronto is likely done...retirement could be not far off with all his injury woes... I am terrified of what Willy would look like in a Scott Milanovich system....he'll be crazy good.
  13. Lawless JUST SAID there is at least one option ready and willing.....in theory........ It's curious to me, for sure. So if you trade him to Toronto....who do you get in return? Because you NEED a vet QB....I sure as **** don't trust Nichols to get the job done the rest of the season.....
  14. Fwiw, Loffler is under contract for another 2 years after this, at about half the salary he'd be making on the open market. Walters doing cartwheels for how that one's panning out...
  15. I want us to run up the score on them back to back weeks, have Jones get right fired up and get in MOS grill, and then have MOS just go off on him. Beat his ass. I would get a MOS Bombers jersey...straight up, don't even care....if we could somehow get MOS tuning in Jones on TV.... #WouldPayAnythingToSeeIt
  16. that's awesome...I've always got the overrun set on my PVR, so I'm betting I caught that...
  17. I'm not disagreeing with you at all, but let's not sell the OL (especially blind side tackle) too short.......QB is nothing without protection, as we all know too well. As for Medlock, he's worth every penny and more. Imagine we miss some of those kicks, and what it does to the overall confidence of the team? Morale stays high, team keeps rolling....
  18. All I wanted was for the Riders to think they're on the right track....don't change anything.. If they got pumped by 50 again, they mighta made some drastic changes and got a dead cat bounce against us (YET AGAIN!) next week. They played just well enough last night to think "...hey, we're getting closer...just keep going..." and that's fine by me. Go in there next week and punch em right in the mouth.
  19. I've been hard on the offense the last couple games, but it's really hard to judge them properly without all their weapons. Nichols isn't working with a whole lot. If they're still not producing once he has Smith and Dressler back in there, then we'll see....but I, too, think we'll see Willy at some point, 'cause the O has been really sluggish.
  20. the dirty Cox-sucker strikes again....him, Diamond Ferri and Davis Sanchez........just the f*cking WORST......
  21. Westwood tweeted something to the same effect last night, and I agree....if it's not constant, and it's not costing us games, I'm okay with putting the fear of God into other teams...
  22. I still haven't seen that play! TSN completely bought the fake and I never saw it. I'm not sure if they had a replay that showed it, but if so, I musta missed that, too. Friggin' camera guys....
  23. Pretty sure Wade Miller is........would not be surprised if Miller has given Walters the ol' Cate Blanchette (*ahem*) with the budget to do whatever it takes to win the cup, even if you have to pay some fines at the end of the year. More than worth it.....
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