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Everything posted by Noeller

  1. I maintain Bond was our best OL (Bauming laughs and says no dice...I eyeroll...) and deserves the huge paycheque he'll get. Shame it won't be here...
  2. The @winnipegsun has learned offensive lineman @tbond252 is not likely to sign a new deal, which would mean he’ll hit the open market in February. - @friesensunmedia #CFL #Bombers Not huge news, as we already suspected this, but still.....
  3. I'm wondering if Kavis is telling guys that he's going to be very involved with their decision making and not going to give them as much freedom as most would like, so that's why a lot of guys are backing off from this....
  4. Both Stubler and Bellefeuille saying they're out.....Montreal has presser called for 10am EST tomorrow to announce a signing........
  5. yeah they announced that right after the playoff game, I believe...
  6. I'm not a super huge fan of John Hodge, but this made me chuckle... @JohnDHodge The #AlsMTL appear to have narrowed their search for a head coach down to Marcel Bellefeuille and Rich Stubler, calling into question whether or not they're aware it's no longer 2008.
  7. I trust that this is a pay-for-play contract, and that's just fine....this guy still has game, and as long as we're not relying on him to be the #1 or #2 guy, that's fine...
  8. We're going to be playing, very likely, May football in the #CFL in 2019. They want to expand the American contract with the CFL and get more ppl interested and watching in the football hungry market across the USA. - @DarrinBauming via @TSN1290Radio Also talk on Twitter that the desire to expand the American TV deal may lead to another American expansion down the road...
  9. Fwiw, I'm a believer (in my useless opinion) that DB97 is the best NT in CFL history, passport be damned...
  10. Straaaaange cuts. As soon as I saw Stanley cut I chuckled because I knew the tone of MBB/Jets would be "I TOLD U SOOOOO!!!11!ONE"
  11. As much as I want the players to be healthy, as a fan I despise an extra bye week....
  12. I get use a friend's Rogers Game Centre Live so I can see Jets games in AB..... That's about as close as I get....
  13. Fair statement or no: MOS was to MACK Back as DB97 was to NT?
  14. I always appreciated this in the FreeP and am glad to see it back. I couldn't care less about NCAA football, except where it directly pertains to the Bombers....and that Drew Lock kid is very interesting.
  15. I think the problem is that you're clearly a bit of a lunatic, so you assume everyone else is, too.......but most of us are pretty rational, level-headed posters...
  16. Summer game in Calgary vs November game in Calgary makes me quite happy.....
  17. In fairness, I think a LOT of him, so thinking less.....still quite a bit......
  18. totally get what this half of the conversation is saying, I think, in my mind anyhow, that 0.000001% chance might be outweighed by the "this looks unprofessional", if you wanted to play the odds.....but, again, as someone mentioned earlier in the thread.....what does he have to lose at this point? If it's his last shot, then throw some **** against the wall and see what sticks. Worst case scenario, you stay in the CFL. And who knows, maybe he did all the "proper channels" thing already, it didn't work, so he's throwing a hail mary with his last chance. Best of luck to him, anyhow...
  19. I don't know Bob McCown from a hole in the ground, but I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that the character he plays on radio/TV isn't NECESSARILY who he is in real life.........still.......I'm never a fan of anyone who disparages teh CFL. So, there's that...
  20. Okay, so I'm gonna give a bit of an example...it might not be perfect, but I think it'll help..... In my job, I'm sent dozens of song submissions per week from various singers/bands to get on the radio. Most of these come through the proper channels. They come from a Publicist or a Manager or a Record Label Rep. The songs are sent via a digital media download service that, for a fee, provides a hub for all new music, where radio stations go and stream it and, if they like it, download it for airplay. Once a week, the representative for the singer/band will send an email out reminding radio stations about the song that's out currently, and available for radio, should they choose to play it. Sometimes they'll send chart statistics showing how well the song is doing on Billboard and such, to provide more incentive to play it. Occasionally, an artist will completely bypass these channels, and try go to our station Facebook page, and drop a YouTube video of their latest release. They don't ask if they can use our FB page for this purpose...they just do it...and somehow think this will get our attention and we'll want to play their song. Sometimes, they'll send us a PM via FB (slightly better). Occasionally, it'll be Twitter...."hey, have you seen our latest song? You should be playing this!" Wrong. There's proper channels set up for these sorts of things....there's a way things are done. If you don't act like a professional, and do things in a professional manner, it becomes counter-productive......there's less chance you're going to achieve your goal. Again, this isn't a perfect example, but I think it's close to what we're talking about with CR8.........which pains me, because I love the guy and think he's one of the most underrated players in the league. I'm a HUGE Chris Randle fan.
  21. Not only futile but seems counter productive...
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