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Everything posted by Noeller

  1. Mercy Marston gets his first start and Tui Eli activated off the PR. Suspicion that Speller will be the scratch and Desjarlais starts with Eli as the 6th....
  2. I'm actually really glad to hear Westman is so on board. Brandon was a ******* hotbed of Riders bullshit for a long time. Pissed me right the **** off. Glad to hear maybe people are back on the wagon...
  3. From West Central Alberta... A reminder of life in Pinawa!
  4. Bearsssssss vs Bullssssssss......
  5. veteran keyboard pugilists.......quite the spectacle
  6. The tone of his voice sounded like someone else I know talking about Q-Ray bracelets...................................
  7. lol....as soon as I saw MC's post, I laughed to myself thinking about the aneurysm Dave was going to have...ha ha ha ha.
  8. Doug Brown sure thinks it's bunkum.....thinks it's a total gimmick.
  9. exactly...I actually chuckled reading the post about Bauming. 'Cause, y'know, if anyone would know if it's sustainable or not, it's Bauming. I truly enjoy the guy's work and respect the hell out of him for his CFL passion, but c'mon.....he can't say that.
  10. No, I'm now convinced that even when we do win the GC, people on here will complain adamantly that we didn't win properly and that it was a fluke and that the way _______ played in the game isn't good enough to lead to MORE cups......
  12. https://www.bluebombers.com/2019/08/12/need-know-august-12/ A lot of good info here for this discussion....
  13. I have lots of concerns about the D. There's just way too many times where people are WIDE open in the second level because they blitzed the house and didn't get home, so there's nobody back to cover receivers. Saw that way too many times. It's odd, because there's times they look like world beaters on D, and there's times it looks like Jim Daley's D....
  14. Oh, I was making a statement about our D vs our O right now......I really don't think Nichols and the offense were that bad vs Calgary, but the D was very suspect at times....
  15. after re-watching the Stamps game last night, I'm far more concerned about our D vs the Lions O than I am about our O vs their D.....
  16. Our backup, Jones, is better than your starter.... Never mind Hecht who's been very very good for most of this year.
  17. That's what I was thinking... I'd slow the roll on Leggett coming in and being an upgrade.
  18. I feel like, if they had to, they could run Demski in Harris's place. He's not as good a runner, but he does a lot of similar things in the offense and CAN play RB if needed...
  19. That's why I love the CFL... Frig that's a lot of fun.
  20. I get what you're saying JBR but every season is such a roller coaster, you can't worry about November now... Just enjoy this week for this week. Next week for next week. As clichéd as it is, MOS's "1-0 this week" thing is a good reminder for we as fans, as well...
  21. the first 5 games of this season he was leading the league in virtually every statistical category, including QB efficiency and TD:INT ratio.....
  22. "No Lead Is Safe" (....except if there's a bit of lightning...)
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