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Everything posted by Noeller

  1. Nichols not in a sling or anything has to be a good sign, right?
  2. yeah that's a win, I reckon...I'd heard 7.99 in the States and was hoping it'd be similar up here. There's not a lot on Netflix anymore that I absolutely need it for. We re-binge How I Met Your Mother once per year (but I have them on DVD, so all good there...) and I enjoy Seinfeld's Comedians In Cars... but I can find that online if I need to. I think there'll be a lot more going on with Disney/Hulu...
  3. 100%....at the end of the day, whoever you're bringing in, isn't a guy that will have to play (God willing and the creek don't rise...) and I'd rather it be Willy that's the "veteran" voice in the room than Brandon Bridge....all day and twice on Sundays.
  4. If the price point is actually half that of Netflix (as has been suggested), I'm thinking I'll be ditching Netflix for the Disney+/Hulu combo this fall...
  5. The one thing we know is that Woogie is about to see a lot more touches...
  6. Dickenson expected BLM to play this week and BLM said he couldn't go... Dickenson was disappointed and concerned....
  7. Was this really necessary as a stand alone thread?
  8. I didn't see ANYONE being smug. When Masoli went down, this place was saying how the league needs marquee QBs and that no teams season should end that way.
  9. Say what you want about KG5, but the guy is committed to his retirement....
  10. Ya based on Irving's tweets since the game, I feel like he knows stuff he's not allowed to say. It's gonna be a long term one for Nichols...
  11. https://press.cfl.ca/statement-cfl-and-cflpa-meet-to-discuss-weather-protocol TORONTO (August 16, 2019) – The Canadian Football League (CFL) and the Canadian Football League Players’ Association (CFLPA) met to discuss the new weather protocol that was put into effect when an electrical storm forced a delay and, ultimately, the stoppage of last weekend’s Montreal- Saskatchewan game. We agreed the result of the game was the proper outcome according to the protocol, which is part of our new collective bargaining agreement. However, the CFL fully acknowledged that communication with the players association should have been better during the process, and those communication issues were fully discussed and resolved between the parties. Finally, we discussed whether we should now revisit and possibly amend the protocol. It was agreed that the most prudent course of action is to assemble all the relevant stakeholders — team and league executives, players association representatives, general managers, coaches and officials - in the off-season to reassess the protocol. Therefore, no change to the protocol is anticipated for the remainder of the 2019 season.
  12. over and over and over again....the one thing we've heard consistently about Nichols is his toughness.
  13. I'm legitimately concerned about the league folding before we win another...
  14. I'm extremely superstitious and really, truly believe we are cursed, as a franchise...
  15. I think I might let Buck go back in before either of them....Glenn is an absolute no for me at this point.
  16. that's who I'd want........ "Miles and miles of heart......"
  17. So it's both...... Wade Miller is going to be losing his mind about this.....we are sofa king cursed.
  18. in the post game show, MOS was talking about this....said they went to him awhile back and told him that they'd like him to learn how to play End a bit. He apparently is incredibly smart...takes a little bit of information and just gets absolutely everything out of it. Learns very very quickly. It's impressive, to be sure...
  19. There's likely going to be a lot of information coming by early next week, so this thread will be necessary... Watching the highlight pack of the game, when Nichols gets up after being fallen on, he points at his shoulder and then points straight down......to me, he's saying his shoulder popped out....that it's dislocated. So if we're looking at a dislocated or separated shoulder, what is the recovery time on something like that? Is it a season ender?
  20. Here I am thinking of Stefan Lefors........my bad.
  21. Yep.....if you watch the CFL highlight pack, it shows it pretty good. It wasn't a rocket, because it wasn't supposed to be, but definitely not a floater.
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