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Everything posted by Noeller

  1. Chris Jones is the anti-MOS. Where MOS supposedly was on the watch, during TCs, for how players treated ladies and various office personnel (opening doors, etc), Chris Jones likely encouraged players to throw old ladies and children out of the way as they raced for exit doors....... or something to that effect.
  2. Seth Meyers called this last week... Sickening.
  3. It's West Semi-Final Week!! We've got Calgary in Calgary this Sunday afternoon. Call me crazy, but I just have a really good feeling that with a healthy Zach Collaros, we've got a shot in this thing. If Streveler is healthy enough to run some short yardage packages, it'll help, but having Collaros starting, we've absolutely got a shot. Weather is cold, but should be a good day for football. Can't wait for Sunday!!!!!!
  4. Nucks owners have said they are not interested in buying the Lions at this time....
  5. I am still laughing at "Y'all-Qaeda"...
  6. Gord and Matty would be their best pairing, but Rod's not bad.....
  7. I've never thought Rod Black was THAT bad, but Gord Miller is definitely the guy who should take CC's spot. But, I'd also rather have Dunigan on colour than Suitor, who I really dislike.
  8. Most of this is useless, but toward the end they mention that TSN is planning "extensive" Grey Cup coverage, week of Nov 16-22. I'll take it...
  9. a little bit of info here, anyhow.... they're REALLY going to try hard to find a way to play in a "worst case scenario" situation, and hope it doesn't come to that...
  10. they're already here....Sask got a provincial majority with a Trump-believing government, and lord knows Alberta has been this way for a long time now. Some would say a big chunk of Manitoba endorses a similar type of politics.
  11. I'm sure it's just these ridiculous endorsements by athletes getting to me, but I'm absolutely terrified right now that Trump is going to find a way to pull this off.....
  12. Still do - no question. It's Quebec, MB, AB, On.... in that order. The way AB has handled things is garbage...Kenney cares about the economy, not lives.
  13. Sick to my stomach thinking about this. Almost 9% tp. Lock everything down.
  14. media expecting some major announcements at 12;30 today...going to be an important presser.
  15. Couple things -- the broadcasts on the blurays actually belong to someone else who made me a copy. I call it "for medicinal purposes" And yes, I'm in broadcasting and am fully aware of how illegal it is to re-broadcast someone else's content. Even if there's no money being made from it, it's still wildly illegal. Moreso, I'm just wishing aloud for an opportunity to create some sort of virtual get together to watch these games..... but we'd need TSN to re-broadcast them for us to make it work. I have no idea what the logistics are, but I desperately want the CFL to get its act together regarding it's televised content from the last 60+ years. Not sure how the rights work for CBC, CFN, and TSN archival games, but we desperately need them in an on-demand format. I'll pay literally any amount per month to have legal access to those games.
  16. in the last two days, both Jack Nicklaus and Bobby Orr (???) publicly endorse Donald Trump...... for some reason. Bobby Orr took out a huge ad in a newspaper in the States. Just insanity. Hopefully doesn't help anything...
  17. well, Ambrosie didn't say much today, but he did say they're working on a plan to be able to play with no fans or limited fans next year. Not sure HOW exactly, but they're at least figuring out ways to do it if they had to. So it's something. They're doing a bunch of Grey Cup Week stuff in a few weeks (virtual) and one event is a "Fan State Of The League Address" thing with Ambrosie, so hopefully he'll have more details then. I remain hopeful...
  18. every one of those guys on the circuit back in the day tried to get with her, but no luck. Two stories: 1) Really good songwriter pal of mine has a best friend that was a "house writer" (worked for a big publishing company in Nash) for some years. The "common knowledge" that nobody spoke about was that Dolly is actually gay, and her marriage has always been a "sham", if you will, to keep up appearances in uber-Christian Nashville. 2) Merle Haggard autobiography from back around 1980..... tells an amazing story about being out on the road, staying at some random hotel. Bang bang bang on the door at like 2am....opens it....it's George Jones. Just hammered. So the two of them sit around, drinking in the middle of the night in some shithole hotel room.....and they decide it's a good idea to phone up Dolly and try to get a date. It didn't work out. Ha ha ha. Still love that story...can only imagine. I stand by the fact that she's the most talented artist in the history of Country music...writer, singer, instrumentalist....a ridiculous talent that we might never see again.
  19. Yeah, so all of that is from a couple weeks ago, actually. Our Health Minister, Tyler Shandro, is an absolute mess. He and Jason Kenney decided -- IN THE MIDDLE OF A PANDEMIC -- that they wanted to rip up the "master agreement" between the province and health practitioners, which essentially dictates how much they're allowed to charge for their services. An agreement that hasn't been touched in a very long time, because nobody wants to tell doctors they aren't worth what they're charging. Well, apparently in the middle of a pandemic is a good time to do it. When doctors started getting angry about it (something like 80% said they've lost faith in the Health Minister, and around 50% said they've considered closing up shop and moving to another province because of it) Shandro started firing back. He actually went to one doctor's house and got into it with him in his driveway...yelling and screaming and what not. It was really something. So now, in the last couple weeks, they've decided they want to lay off 11,000 front line workers...essentially janitors, laundry workers....things like that. All to save money. Money which, by the way, is being spent in the neighbourhood of 30-million per year on a "War Room", which exists to fight for the good name of oil and gas industry and hand out 4-billion in corporate welfare to oil and gas companies who took the money, laid off their Canadian employees and moved operations to Texas. Faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack this province for electing the absolute worst provincial government in Canada......
  20. So this would be the final weekend of the CFL regular season. Next week would be the Semis, and of course Finals and then Grey Cup in the 3rd week of November. I've decided that I'm going to attempt some sort of Re-Watch Party on those days, exactly when the games would be happening. I have the edited re-broadcasts of each game on my PVR (I didn't tape the games at the time, for fear of jinxing us...) but was fortunate enough to have come into bluray copies of each game, with the complete broadcast on it. So, my November weekends are all set. I wish there was some way we could all participate in this, virtually, and do a MBB Chat throughout each game. I'm really missing the camaraderie each week and having upcoming games to talk about. Just absolutely heart breaking right now. We've got a relatively small "bubble" of friends (less than 10) that we see outside of work, so that'll have to do for now, but man..... I really miss the real thing.
  21. Good....reading about the **** that kid did. Just gross. No place for him. I can't remember which team it was....but apparently had "DND - Under Any Circumstances" next to his name on their draft list.
  22. Her "When Life Is Good Again" is the best pandemic-themed piece of art I've heard/seen this year......absolutely fantastic.
  23. I've been mentally preparing myself for the loss of Willie and Dolly for some time now. Willie's been in poor health, off and on, for awhile. Gave up the weed 'cause his lungs were taking a beating. Not sure how much longer he's got. Dolly seems ageless, but time makes fools of us all...
  24. I'm 100% behind this. Shut down all non-essential businesses, but help them to stay afloat until things have calmed down.
  25. 92% ICU capacity.... that sound you hear is alarm bells ringing LOUDLY...
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