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Everything posted by Noeller

  1. he was a #1 pick wasn't he? Nothing wrong with that. I bought a jersey off ebay that is Henoc on one side and Cauchy on the other... autographed by both. It's not something I'd ever wear, but I definitely have it on the wall (now that he's retired...)
  2. You could pick a half dozen guys from last year's roster that would be great jersey choices even if they're not here this year or next or whatever... there's so many Hall of Fame players from this "era"....... there's no excuse for a blank jersey ever. Pewwww.
  3. Lots of demerits to be handed out in this thread..... clear rules on "no politics allowed", and very clearly the politics have been brought up.........
  4. So we just accept that's how the world is that's that?? **** that ****. Long overdue for change and this is how it starts. You punish the assholes who maintain the status quo and teach them what's acceptable, regardless of testosterone or estrogen.
  5. seems like Chipman is changing his tune regarding attendance and what it means for the Jets in Winnipeg long term........
  6. this is a HORIBLE take..... "boys will be boys"..... no. Society needs to change so that women can feel comfortable working in any situation.....
  7. Einar hasn't been particularly good this week. I think the drama from last week is weighing on them. Jones has been the better team, of the two, IMO. It's still Homan's bonspiel to lose, and the absolute WORST case Ontario, is Homan vs Sturman in the final. Blech. As Jeff says, Lawes and Cameron are just happy to be in the final 6. They won't make much noise going forward. It's all up to Jones and Einar to try and save the day.
  8. I can't imagine Pinball had even a sniff of this... he'd never stand for it. Everyone else involved? Story checks out, IMO.
  9. No numbers mentioned in the 3DN piece other than to say he made 340k last year...
  10. as has been mentioned, Taman did a HELL of a job, considering the complete lack of tools at his disposal. Zero budget, zero team.... it was just him out there scrounging. Using players' parents as scouts... things were not good in the WBB FC offices back then.
  11. the "Way Too Early" Power Rankings from the CFL: https://www.cfl.ca/2024/02/21/gas-on-the-fire-the-way-too-early-power-rankings-are-here/
  12. Not yet, but could be coming. We'll see how it charts in Canada. I don't particularly car for Jelly Roll's stuff, but mostly because it's so preachy.
  13. Fwiw, Dunk said yesterday that the White deal totals 265/year.
  14. there's a million things I could list about Winnipeg in the summer.... a lot have to do with drinking on patios, so what that says about me, I don't know. Saffron's rooftop. Beer Can at the Granite, The Leaf, Fort Whyte, The Forks (love grabbing a beer at The Common and going to sit in the muskoka chairs overlooking the river).... Lots of fishing and golfing opportunities within the city....... Bombers games obviously, but also Goldeyes games at one of the nicest small market parks in North America....... I could go on and on. I'm a rural Manitoban, and will always love rural MB the best, but I absolutely ADORE Winnipeg in the summer (and think more of it in winter than most, but that's just me)...
  15. as with any city, Winnipeg has its problem areas. It also has a lot of bright spots. I enjoy winter there, and know that many others do, too, but I can see how it's problematic for many. In summer, though? It's the most underrated city in Canada. I very much look forward to becoming a full time Winnipegger before too much longer (or, at least, quasi-Winnipegger.... my wife is a fan of East Selkirk area, and I'm partial to Lorette, but for all intents and purposes, we'll be Winnipeggers before too long...)
  16. Pretty crazy... the press release screams doping or some kind of behaviour thing (unlikely).... but who knows. It's possible that she got busted for some kind of PED, but I'm not sure we'll ever find out the actual truth...
  17. I feel the exact same way about Gray... curious he hasn't signed and holding out a sliver of hope. But retirement might be the likely outcome, unfortunately...
  18. man oh man are we ******* bored around here...
  19. the typical Riders fan has a blank jersey for sure because they can't name anyone that actually plays for the team... it's just "I'm from Saskatchewan so I cheer for the Riders and wear green!"
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