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Everything posted by Noeller

  1. I just found I could make more money in radio and needed a higher dollar value to make it worthwhile.........
  2. I was thinking that it would be really funny to see him change his mind and come back....
  3. Some interesting stuff here including that BC offered a 3 year deal starting at 250 and escalating, but at the last minute when it seemed like something couldn't get done, Wade stepped in and shut that **** down.... Kingpin strikes again....
  4. ha! Figured with the Yoshi move, he had them over a barrell. He forgot that Walters long ***** everyone...... the balls to think you're going to extort him. GFY.
  5. bad knee injury that he was recovering from... wonder if the offseason training didn't respond properly?
  6. I was living off daquiri's w/excessive amounts of Dominican rum and "Caribbean Sunrise"/"Caribbean Sunset"'s for a week.....
  7. all my posts two weeks ago were from a poolside chair in Punta Cana.... ya gotta do what ya gotta do....
  8. ******* busy day at the office (actually had a Manitoba musician out here on a radio tour and was in studio for more than an hour...) so I'm just getting caught up on this. -as was mentioned by someone, Schoen taking a MASSIVE discount to stay in Winnipeg makes the Brady contract a LOT more palatable -Thanks to the Bombers for reading my stupid tweets -Kyle Walters once again, takes all other teams out to the porch and long-***** 'em for a dollar. When will they learn?
  9. Yeah, this just feels like a WILD overpay to keep the local guy. I'm as happy as anyone to have Brady stay with the team, but that price just SEEMS way too high. I'm on Booch's team, thinking we could have gone to an American that would have provided approximately the same production. I feel like it's way easier to find RBs than it is to find elite REC's like Schoen. But we'll see what Walters has up his sleeve...
  10. Blahhhhh... Really hope we didn't overpay here only to lose Dalton. Frig. Poor Boochs head is gonna explode.
  11. the politics got in the way and muddied the water of his reputation, but strictly from a musical standpoint, he's one of the greatest that genre ever had. For a certain generation, he's their Merle Haggard. I'm thankful for the musical memories over the years. **** cancer so much.
  12. US TV.... That's all that matters to them re expansion.
  13. Eli is a natural C who can play some G if needed....... can he play out on the edge??
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