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Everything posted by 17to85

  1. The reason they keep them secret is so that fans don't go full ***** when names are added or dropped. Like Ermagerhd! Y U NO SIGN THIS GUY?!?
  2. It's not the differences, it's that what they change or go off script for is just ******* terrible.
  3. There were at least 2 chapters in Dance with Dragons that existed solely to foreshadow what is going to happen to Jon.
  4. How can I get excited about Game of Thrones season 6 when every time they've deviated from the source material the show has been complete **** and they've run out of source material? I won't even be bothering to watch. I'll go back and revisit it after the fat man either finishes writing the books or dies.
  5. And Watson, and Greaves started for us for years. I'm not trying to hype up Macks drafting, but you are using a bit of bias with statements like that.
  6. OK but you know what I'm saying right? Just because you have guys you drafted on the team doesn't mean you're great at drafting, it could be as in the case of the Bombers simply that your depth is so lacking that guys you draft just walk right onto the team.
  7. Probably Joe Mack. GMs draft players and put them on the roster. That in and of itself isn't really a statement about their abilities to draft.
  8. I am not sure I completely believe that. Yeah Willy is better than the qbs before him, but he has been hurt a lot since he got here which does impact things. Moore is good but again, hurt a ton. Mack found a lot better american players than Walters has managed to and I think people tend to have this hate on for everything Joe Mack that they don't recognize how much he actually brought to the team. So Walters brought in Randle (who was hurt all last year) Mack brought in all sorts of dbs too, plus he found DL and linebackers and receivers and running backs. The biggest flaw for O'Shea is probably his assistant coaches but we've discussed that a ton too, was he handicapped by not being able to lure assistants to a coaching grave yard? Seems there's a good argument to be made for that. To me Walters is still a bigger problem than O'Shea is and until the pipeline of american players improves I will keep saying that. It's nice to "win" free agency but we've seen how that really impacts things the last couple years.
  9. Dave Ritchie lost a hell of a lot more games than he won his first couple seasons in Winnipeg, did that make him a bad coach? Or just a guy who walked into a team with a lot of holes on it? Can we honestly say that O'Shea has been given the tools to succeed here? Yeah he might have some problems of his own but to my eye the problems with the talent level of the team are a far bigger problem than the coaching.
  10. Minimum wage problems. The people willing to do those jobs ain't going to be the best and brightest of our society.
  11. No I am simply saying that if bitching about the food served at the stadium is something you find acceptable your priorities are all screwed up. You're going there to watch a football game not have a fine dining experience. It's like going to mcdonalds and asking where the steak is.
  12. do people actually complain about the food in stadiums? I mean seriously if you can get hot dogs and burgers and chickenfingers and maybe pizza what more do you need? If you go expecting quality food I would suggest your expectations are out of line.
  13. because players never rebound right? Both have shown enough in the past to be worth giving a shot to rebound. Sure the bonuses due are an issue but there's no guarantees that the free agents they signed work out any better. I'd rather have more depth going into camp rather than less given how completely terrible this teams scouting has been.
  14. What's the consensus on season 2 of Daredevil? I haven't got around to watching it yet. I liked the first season but not as much as some people did, I liked Jessica Jones better truthfully. Should I be investing my time in watching that right ******* now?
  15. Yeah because releasing veteran players in the offseason always pays off. I would have preferred to see them either traded for something or given a shot in training camp. What if Smith isn't as good as Denmark? Then those nuts didn't really pay off did they?
  16. No he's not. He is missing the consistency that Edwards had.
  17. I like Denmark, he's got a lot of skill, trouble with him is that he needs to be a second fiddle to someone to really shine. When the spotlight is on him he isn't as good. That's a problem when you're paid like a star and the team went and signed some big ticket free agents. Once again we're relying on Kyle Walters to finally find a receiver through scouting in order to make the passing game dangerous. Let's hope this year works out better than the past couple.
  18. Denmark makes too much to be in the role he is in. Still need more talent at receiver I think.
  19. Yeah I definitely had that one in the past. They had a Rye IPA that was good too, I am still partial to the Big Caboose Red Ale of theirs though, and the pale ale is solid, matter of fact their brown is a good offering too.... yeah solid brewery but as I said, disappointed in the tap room only having a few options on tap.
  20. I think it was Labatts that bought Granville Island, still their stuff tastes mostly the same and it's still pretty good. I've been quite enjoying another of the bought out by the big guys craft brewers to be honest. Goose Island IPA is hands down my favourite IPA. Nice balance and not overly hopped like some stupid IPAs. The Honkers Ale is damned good too. Just a shame that buying their beer supports the evil big companies. Stopped in at the Fernie Brewing Company tap room on the weekend while in Fernie, was kind of disappointed truthfully, they have a big lineup of beers but only had 6 on tap. Anyway they had a collaboration with Whistler Brewing company that was pretty tasty, Springshred Red session ale. Was solid stuff. Also rather enjoyed their Slingshot session IPA. not overly stupid on the hops and lots of flavour.
  21. It's the REDBLACKS! way. They've bitched and moaned about everything, probably because the CFL was so desperate to make them good right away that they actually thought they were special.
  22. Well my solution would have been to not hire him in the first place. I mean we fired the guy twice for good reasons
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