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Everything posted by JuranBoldenRules

  1. They are replacing him on the roster with Travon Van. Apparently they are done with Rainey and his contract is guaranteed for the season next week.
  2. Rainey will be cut next week if they can’t trade him. Likely cost is a mid-round conditional pick.
  3. Ball was at pad level within an arms length of the receiver. You can't blame the QB for that.
  4. Sure but once the kids do get outside they are too fat and slow to dodge a car going 50.
  5. Ball was right where it needed to be for Washington to have it. Piss poor one handed effort when he was in position to get two hands on it. Sure didn't want it.
  6. Look at where they are on the field, not between the hashmarks surrounded by 4 opponents, on the sideline Also not many guys like that. Kind of like saying why don't we call QB Draw all game for Nichols, Cam Newton does it.
  7. 5 plays out of 35 dropbacks in a game where he couldn't hit a receiver. Not enough to make a defense respect it, makes the coverage sacks and throwaways easy. I agree it's not always on him because the plays need to be designed to get the ball out of his hands quickly, but he also doesn't have a quick release.
  8. Threw into traffic but it was right on Washington. Can't go up for a ball with one hand, either with two or don't touch it at all. Cardinal sin of receiving. If he goes up with two hands he either catches it or the ball is on the turf.
  9. How often does Nichols actually scramble out of the pocket? Usually he just freezes in the pocket and starts doing the 2 step until he finally throws it out of bounds or he gets sacked.
  10. And the defense has time to get there. My point is the coverage is going to far tighter to the play side and if you're just watching for "open" receivers you're going to think every QB is an idiot because he's missing a ton of open guys.
  11. Doesn't matter who's open the QB goes through reads. If he's opened up to his right for instance why the hell would a DB or LB have tight coverage on a guy on the far left side of the field? The QB can't make that throw.
  12. Exactly. Really 17 points I'd pin on the D, that FG off the fumble was still on a long field. If you're offense can't score enough and protect the ball well enough to beat that, you're ******.
  13. Berry was a mess. That was a veteran team that basically governed itself in the 2nd half of that season because he was such a rube who totally lost that team. Firing him was justified. Can't judge that based on a bad hire made following.
  14. Glenn called the plays in the 2nd half of the season. Dinwiddie and Glenn were de-facto OC's. Kit Cartwright and Berry helped with gameplanning but they called the plays. It was a a total mess and got Doug Berry fired. He totally lost that room and the players basically just said we are way better than this and played for each other.
  15. Offense has had actually had at least a couple short fields in each of the last 3 losses. Best they got was a FG on any of those drives and on three of them came away with 0 points starting on the opponent side of the field.
  16. That team went 6-2 after Labour Day and Glenn had a pretty good 2nd half of the season.
  17. That is true but the practice roster expands now whenever the Bombers want it to. As a for instance, say they released Dressler and then the guy replacing him in the depth chart tears his ACL. Now what?You can’t even call Dressler back if it’s after the trade deadline because he’s not eligible to play. If you wanted to bench Dressler why not just stash him on the 1 game IR and put someone else in but keep him in case he ends up being needed since he’s paid anyway?
  18. Vets are paid for the season now. No benefit to cutting them unless having them in the locker room is that bad.
  19. Ya he was fired up and the whole team was too. Seems small but you even see the little celebrations he has with the rest of the guys on offence after the TD’s the last two weeks. This team and offence in particular is in a malaise and Streveler just always brings it and from what we’ve seen brings it out of other guys too. His passing stats probably won’t be pretty, like 55% completion 200 yards something like that (basically Nichols numbers), but he won’t turn it over and he’ll rush for probably at least 8 avg when he runs designed or not. Plus open up space for Harris because the LBs actually have to honour the read option since if he gets one step around the edge he’s gone for 30.
  20. Depends on the width of the field usually in a general sense. The wider side is the strong side, shorter side is weak. A Corner wouldn’t stay near the sideline if all the receivers are bunched closer to the ball though and there’s lots of offensive formations where the strong side LB might line up past the weak side LB on the weak side to match a certain receiver or back.
  21. I personally hate that the Bombers and CFL in general have followed the lead of the LA Kings and others and are trying to use their social media for laughs or to be ironic. You’re a professional football team. Don’t try to piggyback on jokes that have already been made by someone else. It was funny once now it’s just tired.
  22. Yep, all of those guys can run, catch and block. There’s no defense in the league equipped to defend that kind of option attack. Who’s the biggest LB in the league? 235 lbs? Most teams have at least one guy playing in the box who’s 200 or less. Good luck. Plus you still have Adams, Thompkins, Wolitarsky etc downfield, Dressler when he is back. Streveler is a far better passer than most QBs you’d try to run this with so you can have a ton of variety. Hell even if they ran looks like this 20 times a game it would totally **** up every D and their planning. You can basically give Nichols some scaffold to get his mojo back. Lets keep doing the straight drop back passing!
  23. They usually are. These guys are getting graded on everything they do on every play in games and practice. The coaches aren’t going to go on CJOB and read this out to the fans, but I always think it’s pretty ridiculous that people think they aren’t held accountable. And BTW, this has been said about literally every coach I can recall on these forums and the others.
  24. I don't really think that would ever happen because these guys are essentially playing for their careers every week, especially the Americans. I just don't believe that we have any receiver that is very versatile, of the ones we use. They are all kind of one-dimensional and we have Dressler who is a great player but at the end of his career.
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