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Everything posted by JuranBoldenRules

  1. His Sask D's had some decent secondaries with pretty good safeties. He likes to rotate guys between SAM, WIL and safety. Hurl doesn't play a ton of snaps on Sask's D. Between him, Judge and Edem they play one every down.
  2. He played better in his games than Nichols has, and presumably he's gained some experience. Even if he could get the same passing yards as Nichols and protect the ball as well as he did in his starts he'd be better than what Nichols has been. He's going to get 70+ yards rushing a game too and not allow the D to focus on our backs. They only keep Nichols in hoping he returns to form. If we had no memories beyond 2018 there's no way anyone would start Nichols. Playing better offense is the shakeup the D needs. Maybe benching Loffler too and playing a safety that can cover some ground, finish a tackle, or at the very least cover a receiver.
  3. No kidding. And when you stall out for a whole half how do you not run him out there for a series or even a few plays, keep him in for a play or two in no huddle after he runs a sneak?
  4. Lapo will never be a head coach in the CFL again, other than interim if he's assistant somewhere when the HC gets fired.
  5. I wonder what Hall thinks of Loffler. I feel like he's a huge hole in our D and our coverages are designed to cover for his lack of ability in coverage. It doesn't work. There's never any support over the top. At best we go into quarters where in a deep route you are still giving up 1 on 1 matchups. They have to cheat to the deep routes in their quarter of the field because there's nothing behind them. Run a slant against that and it's 7-8 yards every time, especially when we blitz Bighill and JSK so much. That's tough for DB's. Every play is at best 50-50 if they make a perfect read and get decent position. Then toss in PI and all that crap. I wonder if Hall would even start Loffler if it were up to him. I'd like to see what we could do with a legitimate safety.
  6. They didn't change much. Started almost all blitz on passing downs early, went to more 3 man pressure and then more of a mix in the 2nd half. Lapo adjusted to the 3 man pressure and went to more calls with straight drop backs and out of the quick game and misdirection, also forgot about Harris for a long stretch. Then they had lots of trouble with the blitz on passing downs.
  7. It's basically a video game at that level with the tablets. Players just need to be robots.
  8. It's why the quick passing games works so well with QB's who are less mobile and comfortable scrambling. Went to it in the first half and was on pace for nearly 300 yards. Abandoned in 2nd half, finished at 166. Basically no passing game in 2nd half.
  9. I wonder if they'd let Nichols call the plays like Kevin Glenn in the second half of 2008. Usually when that happens it's a pretty good sign that the coaching staff has totally lost control.
  10. Ya it's actually crazy to think we lost a game where we had 200 yards rushing against a team with basically no offense.
  11. The Hamilton game Streveler started is what scares me. Didn't throw a pass over 10 yards and didn't call any QB runs or option until deep into the 3rd quarter. It's like he almost went we see what you've done, now let's see if you can play QB the way I like my QB to play rather than using Streveler's ability to run that option type offense.
  12. Wolitarsky 6'3 220 Simonise 6'5 200. Have only made big catches when opportunity given.
  13. Streveler is a weapon. 300 yards of offense just from his arm and legs is no problem for him. Then you have Harris and Demski, Lafrance/Flanders running. I'm not sure Lapo is the right OC for that style of offense though with a running QB, some option, tons of playaction. He defaults to drop back passing. Did it in Streveler's 3rd start, doing it to Nichols every week in the 2nd half.
  14. Or just tell Lapo that he needs to run Streveler more as a change of pace. Ball control offense wins that game tonight easy, control the clock, score one TD in the 2nd half and a couple FG's and you win.
  15. I'm 100% uncomfortable with Nichols as our QB if it doesn't turn around for the rest of the season to the point where they miss the playoffs. That basically means they can't win 2 more games in half a season. Whether it's Streveler or someone else the change needs to be made at that point. I'd assume if this skid continues through this month it'll happen even sooner.
  16. Only if he starts throwing for 300 a game and they cancel the playoffs this season for Trump's World War 3. If things continue as they have for 8 weeks now, no chance he's here next season.
  17. Buck. I bet they give him playcalling if they don't turn it around next week. Might keep Lapo around to gameplan and coach receivers. Have a bye after Banjo Bowl.
  18. You might want to take your own advice on reading. He's talking after the season if they miss the playoffs. Do you really think Nichols will be the QB next season if they miss the playoffs?
  19. Routinely gain 5 or more yards on net punting almost every week. Best in the league.
  20. If we don't want Nichols after this season no one else will on this contract. Look at Collaros. I don't know how we unloaded Willy.
  21. Morgan literally had him halfway to the turf when he was chucked off by a 2 hand shove in the back.
  22. Lapo loves the 40 yard throw for a 6 yard gain. If we're going to give the QB that degree of difficulty at least make it down the seam. Did it to Khari too, can remember a couple Adrion Smith pick sixes on that same throw.
  23. We got rid of Kenny Ploen. Bring him back, he won games and has tons of experience! Gotta judge it more on what the players offer. Sure experience counts, but when it's a struggle to hit 200 yards passing week to week there's some big problems. Hell we ran for more than we passed for, should be easy to hit some passes with that running game and all the attention it takes from the D.
  24. Block in the back on Morgan as he's halfway to getting the returner onto the turf. How they missed that, I don't know. 3 officials should be looking right at it.
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