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Everything posted by JuranBoldenRules

  1. Haha, he'll be getting 7 figures USD to be an OC in NCAA or NFL for the next 20 years. Actually kind of funny all the QB's we dressed in the 07 Grey Cup have already gone on to pretty good coaching careers. Kingsbury, Dinwiddie is coaching BLM with the Stamps, Zac Taylor is the QB coach for the LA Rams and is actually Mike Sherman's son in-law. Dinwiddie would probably be top of my list to be our next OC. Didn't think he was awful calling plays for Montreal, had awful QB's for sure. Has worked with Dickenson for 3 seasons now, if anything rubs off there we'd be laughing. I can't see MOS getting fired. I think both co-ordinators are due for replacement. 3 seasons is a pretty long stretch for coordinators.
  2. We do owe him one for the Drew Willy trade.
  3. Wouldn't be a 70 year old GM/HC. Can tell you that.
  4. D forced some big punts deep in Rider territory and on drives starting close to midfield. O didn't play along. Only thing the D didn't do was create a bunch of turnovers.
  5. Bomber O not getting a first down in almost the entire 4th quarter and the Riders have the ball near midfield to start 3 straight drives did it. Collaros just had to be patient.
  6. Talking consistency. His offenses always have long lapses. That's a huge problem in my opinion. That's a big difference in winning and losing. Lots of times all you need are 2-3-4 first downs, even if the drive ends in a punt. Eat clock, get field position. The long stretches of 2 and outs are killers. Even with some gaudy numbers and individual seasons by guys like Khari, Stegall, Durant, Harris, Lapo's teams have finished 1st in their division twice in 10 seasons as a playcaller. Did you take out all the TD's D and special teams scored, safeties? Lapo came here in 2002 with 2 years of pro coaching experience. Maas took over as OC in Ottawa with the same level of experience Buck has. Who knows if he's up to it, but he's not inexperienced. We know Lapo is drowning right now. Maybe Manny Matzakis is available since experience is so crucial.
  7. It was but the stability provided by Miller and Walters should help the candidate pool the next go round.
  8. Sort of like having a plan to get to work but no plan to get home, so you sleep on the sidewalk instead. The defensive gameplan was fine, the early offensive plan was good, but it doesn't count for **** if you go two quarters with basically no functional offense.
  9. I do to an extent. Sask dropped 2 passes in the first half that would have put them into FG range. Any offense that doesn't score a point in a half played poorly. That's a pretty reasonable assumption to make IMO. The Riders offense is also lousy based on a track record of more than half a season against the entire league.
  10. No evidence. Just know that Lapo is a mess. Basically the game plan needs to be get a 3 TD lead and hold it in the second half because the offense isn't going to score. BTW Buck has a speech impediment so not really a fair way to judge his intelligence and sure he wasn't the most talented QB and struggled with injuries. Based on your thoughts on him he probably shouldn't even be in our QB room!
  11. Call it a turnover tax. And you sure do if you're playing or coaching football. Those points effectively cancel out one of the TD's they scored at the end of the day. You need to factor it into any assessment of the offense.
  12. How? The offense handed the other team 7 points (for the 3rd consecutive week). You going to put that on the D?
  13. Sorry but good game plan doesn't result in 6 points and a 100 yards of offense in a half. Yes the 14 gave up on critical errors was the difference but that speaks to how pathetic the Riders O was in the first half. I care less about the Riders and more about how the Bombers are playing. It ain't pretty. Like my mom said when I got a shitty mark on a test and I said "but the whole class did bad," I don't care about how they did, I care about what our team does.
  14. Lapolice has always been an idiot. He's never run a consistent offense, even in a good year. People always get jacked about 3-4 good games he puts together, too bad a season is 20-21 games including playoffs. Why do you underestimate Pierce? Where did Lapo play pro ball?
  15. The board would be too. They'd be paying out probably close to a million dollars. GM doesn't make that decision.
  16. Only one on the OL too. 2 of them Nichols statued against 3 man rush, didn't throw it away, didn't scramble, just hunkered down until the Riders worked to him. On the 3rd one Hughes and Jefferson turnstiled both tackles.
  17. The only time Nichols has looked half-decent this season is when thinking has been taken off his plate, quick throws based on pre-snap reads. If they show this many rushers, go here, if they show less, go here.
  18. Sask did. Therefore, net offensive point output is 16.
  19. 6 points in a half. Sask D dominated the 2nd half after Bombers eeked out a small lead in the first half with 2 critical errors. That's not a pretty good game.
  20. Adams used to be one of the best boundary WR's in the league with an emphasis on those long plays down the sideline. He's quickly become a dud but he also doesn't see a lot of those passes lately.
  21. Contracts aren't guaranteed. Cut someone the day after the season ends, owe them nothing.
  22. His Sask D's had some decent secondaries with pretty good safeties. He likes to rotate guys between SAM, WIL and safety. Hurl doesn't play a ton of snaps on Sask's D. Between him, Judge and Edem they play one every down.
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