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Posts posted by James

  1. It's not the one signing i think that is resulting in the "im done" posts, it's the not doing anything at all to fix the actual problems that are resulting in the "im done" thread.


    Why hasn't Bellefeuille been fired yet? Why is Brohm still employed? Why are we picking up some retread running back when we don't even use the guys we do have, I mean really.. what are we gonna do? dress 3 running backs and give them what? 10 total carries? It's just a joke, they are doing nothing to get better, that's the problem... I have as much faith in the bombers as anyone but... Honestly, it's at the point where i'm not sure i'd go to a game if someone gave me tickets for free. 


    My girlfriend went to the last game with 2 of her friends who have never been to bomber games before... she told me they told her that they would never go to a game ever again, those were potentially new fans but... they said they wouldn't go again.


    Those people booing left right and center, they are the ones who the bombers need to convince to buy grey cup tickets... They are hosting the grey cup, not that that really matters but... they are hosting the cup and doing absolutely nothing to actually address the problems. 


    Why aren't QB's being brought in? Why is MB still employed, why are guys like Greg Peach and the sorts still on the roster, I don't get it, i really don't.... tickets aren't cheap and we all have TV's at our homes, why would anyone pay 68 bucks for a ticket to watch this crap when they can watch it for free at home. I mean really, they are doing nothing to show the fans that they actually realize there are problems, they are seemingly blind to the issues... that's a problem. This regime came in and people believed, they spoke a good game really but..so far the on field results show that they really have no clue at all. 


    All i'd like from them is for them to actually show me that they realize problems do exist, but what i've gotten the last couple days is a whole lot of nothing... That shows me that they either 1. don't care 2. are obvlious to the fact that the team sucks or 3. Are just stupid really


    How can you ignore your fan base like this really... it's ridiculous. Yeah this forum and the others, they are the hardcore fans... the ones who might care the most actually and when you see the people who care the most saying "im done", whats it tell you really? 


    #BELIEVEINBLUE?  bullcrap... you know what, not gonna speak for everyone here but.. i think lots of us just want them to show us that they are aware of the issues.. it's pretty tough to #believeinblue when they do absolutely nothing to make you believe.

    Nice rant!


    We just need a good scout like moll or a guy like Murphy aND we will be good. We good the horses to get Canadians. .. we have the qb to build around and Danny mac to help find a back up... now we just need a guy to find us some amercs.

    Stc and oc must be replaced. Anyone who says Mike O'shea should be fired doesn't know football

    Do we really though?


    I think so. Look at our Canadian depth compared to the Mack and even the Taman regimes and you'll see its much improved. Sure we don't have any superstars anymore like Doug or Henoc, but we have a lot more guys who are capable and can contribute as starters or at least as rotational players.

  3. We just need a good scout like moll or a guy like Murphy aND we will be good. We good the horses to get Canadians. .. we have the qb to build around and Danny mac to help find a back up... now we just need a guy to find us some amercs.

    Stc and oc must be replaced. Anyone who says Mike O'shea should be fired doesn't know football

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