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Everything posted by kelownabomberfan

  1. Great point! I can't believe all the pissing and moaning on the other site about how bad we looked. A certain idiot clown is already asking for Burke's head, if you can believe it. It's a pre-season game for goodness sakes. The best strategy is to not reveal very much if anything in the pre-season about your playbook. It's about evaluating the guys you have while bullets (albeit rubber) are flying. If the other teams want to win the pre-season Grey Cup they are welcome to it.
  2. The only reason I know who that is is that in every Argo offensive highlight he was chasing after someone after getting beat.
  3. I'd like to see a two-QB system, where if Buck goes two-and-out a few times, we throw in Goltz to mix it up. It worked great against the Arblows in that game where we kicked their sorry asses - we brought in Brink for a series and he just sneaked his way all the way down the field while the Argo defence just stood there bewildered. It's good to throw in a guy here and there to throw off the defence, especially if the guy that's in doesn't get a rhythm going.
  4. if his name wasn't Cameron, would you care about offering him a PR spot?
  5. I watched Goltz being interviewed on CTV last night (it was in the locker room after the game on Wednesday) and he was clearly hot that he didn't get more playing time. Good to see that he is a competitor and wants to get out there and show what he can do. Clearly he feels he's the number two and he got shafted in that game against the Argos. In any event, I hope he gets a full half to strut his stuff in hell-hole in Guelph. Time for Goltz to step up and grab it, as you know Hall wants it just as bad.
  6. I think that we should just ask the other teams we play this year really nicely if they'd not blitz all game. And then make pouty faces at them when they break their word.
  7. well your D-Bo-ordinator is apparently a bunt...(I have problems typing the letter "B" )....
  8. thanks for taking the time to write that - good report. Especially appreciated for all of us out of province fans.
  9. LOL! You actually are admitting this? I'd be more like "my 13 year old niece has tickets and my sister wants to know if the Bomber Traffic plan is in place for concerts. Yup. My sister. And my niece. Not me."
  10. I like that there seems to be no auto-correct for swearing on this site. Cool! Made me spit out my Diet Coke when I read it though. As for the "marked" comment - not sure what you mean there. Aren't all QB's 'marked"? I don't get that.
  11. Yup TJ was the morning man on 103 the Juice here in Kelowna. Really miss him on my drive into work.
  12. I just found out that if you type in www.morningbigblue.com on that other site, that it autocorrects to www.thatothersite.com. Hilarious!
  13. Ha ha these are the people who in September will be going "yeah I knew the Bombers were going to rock this year!!!"
  14. that's why PVR's were invented. Also - if I didn't have a bunch of Bruins and Hawks playing from my playoff pool I wouldn't really be giving two shits about this final.
  15. maybe they are just going to stay at home and watch it on T....oh never mind... That does remind me one time I went to the St. Adolphe pub to watch a home game that was blacked out and so was only available on satellite feeds. During commercials the feed would just stay on so you got to hear Ron Lancaster's comments when he thought no one was listening other than his play by play guy. Wow was that awesome. Every second word was the F word and he really let fly with his real opinions of what he was seeing, not the varnished truth he had to give when on air. That was so awesome.
  16. heh heh, perhaps they could hire the expert of handling things "internally" to make this "non-issue" go away.
  17. Kirk Penton ‏@PentonKirk21m Mack is under the impression that Hefney's charge could go away soon. Hefney says he will plead not guilty. #Bombers
  18. Kirk Penton ‏@PentonKirk2m Joe Mack says Hefney will be judged solely on his play. They're going to let due process take its course. #Bombers
  19. I just saw a tweet that they are re-broadcasting the original radio broadcast. Nothing about TV. Mike Hogan ‏@tsnmikehogan3m Wednesday's #Argo game will be streamed live on line at TSN1050.ca or listen for rebroadcast on #TSN1050 at midnight after Hawks/Bruins.
  20. How about he moves there after he's done playing, then he can blaze up all day long.
  21. yeah Burke sounds pretty disappointed. The biggest thing to me is that Hefney didn't disclose this arrest to the team. Did he honestly think that the Bombers wouldn't find out?
  22. Joe Pascucci ‏@Pascucci01516s In 1980 kicker Bernie Ruoff was convicted of marijuana possession. Blue Bombers didn't want Ruoff back and were going to trade him..... Joe Pascucci ‏@Pascucci0159s Ruoff retired instead - only to come out of retirement a few months later and would end up with the Tiger-Cats...... So if it wasn't for marijuana, we'd never have hired Bob Cameron.
  23. It's pretty widespread here in BC that's for sure. Unbelievable how many losers people here in Kelowna get high all the time. Maybe Hefney should be traded to the Lions, and then he can get on the BC bud. At any rate, this isn't much of a surprise. I'd be shocked if the entire DB corp wasn't getting lit on a regular basis.
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