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Everything posted by kelownabomberfan

  1. Joe Pascucci ‏@Pascucci0151m Hufnagel not prepared to say where they plan on playing Hefney. "We'll see how he does at SAM Linebacker." Guess Hef didn't say no to that.
  2. Ted Wyman ‏@Ted_Wyman7m According to Sun Media's Ian Busby Jonathan Hefney will play SAM Thursday for #Stampeders. Position he did not want to play for #Bombers Perhaps he knows now that saying he doesn't want to play a position will get him cut?
  3. and laying a 44-32 shellacking on the future Grey Cup champs in October is enough to give me hope.
  4. Winnipeg 10-8 Toronto 9-9 Hamilton 8-10 Montreal 5-13 BC 12-6 Calgary 11-7 Edmonton 9-9 Saskatchewan 8-10 As impossible as it seems, our QBing will be better this season, and our defence will be too.
  5. Alex Brink, come on down. That 3rd stringer Edmonton has is the reincarnation of Bad Banks. Tunnel-vision.
  6. Buchko in his apology press conference referenced a "touchdown song" that the Bombers are going to play after every touchdown. When I went to a Seahawks game last year, I noticed that they had a TD song as well, and it was used to great effect. Their song kind of went like this song from Macklemore: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2zNSgSzhBfM Especially at the 4:30 mark. The song would go "NA NA NA NA NAH" and the crowd would sing "HEYYYYYYYYYYYYY". It was awesome. I hope that the Bombers have found something equally as effective.
  7. at this point, I have an incredibly open mind. I don't know if he'll do well or tank. But at least you guys could do the same, and give the kid a chance. All the pissing and moaning about JE over the past two years has been ridiculous. You guys just constantly set yourselves up for a fall.
  8. Good luck with that. Even if Jade becomes a Hall of Fame receiver, the same whiners will always find a reason to whine about something. It's called chronic inability to ever see a bigger picture.
  9. So according to CFL.CA there were supposed to be more Bomber cuts today but I didn't see any more after Hefney.
  10. The Okanagan Sun just signed some behemoth O-Lineman from Winnipeg, it was in the papers last month... Wengelinski graduates from Vincent Massey High School Trojans in Winnipeg this spring. Ryan is the first player from that school to suit up for the Sun The 6-foot-4, 325-pounder was the top offensive lineman for his club and a conference all-star in Manitoba this past season. Ryan says that his experience at Sun spring camp and the history of other players from Winnipeg in the Okanagan made his decision to travel 2,000 kilometres for football a relatively easy one. “I wasn’t sure about playing here when I came to town, I really thought of it as just another recruiting visit. But after seeing camp, and how everything was run, how we were treated by the coaches, directors and other players…everyone made us feel really welcome," Wengelinski said. "It doesn’t hurt that Kelowna is one of the most beautiful places in Canada." http://www.kelownacapnews.com/sports/208059761.html Potential future Bomber?
  11. Pacino Horn sounds rather douchey. You wonder why he would want to leave the douchiest team in the CFL. He must fit them like a glove.
  12. I think it's sad that $35K is considered "huge" in a professional sport. $35K is what NFL teams pay to vacuum up navel lint after a pre-season game. Who cares about the $35K?
  13. Really - I'm curious to know who from the prairies stepped up. Interesting.
  14. and wasn't Calgary also leading the league in cheap shots at the time Jones was there too? No coincidence.
  15. because Buck doesn't go on Twitter and make comments about Mack? Because Buck plays the way Crowton asks him too and accepts the responsibilities given him without complaining? Because Buck is a leader? Because Buck didn't get busted with pot in the off-season and didn't tell the team?
  16. a smart coach who wanted to get fired maybe. Keep Elliot - yeah don't think so.
  17. LOL! The wrong one? One of those other vets that got busted for pot and didn't disclose it?
  18. I thought this thread was about Hefney...my bad.
  19. According to Bob Irving on Twitter, the Bombers feel Hef has lost a step...
  20. I'll believe that when I see it. Perhaps if they hire Pamela Wallin's accountant...
  21. the league might as well just write the cheques for the fines, as the money the Argos pay for the fines is just going to go right back to them for their annual bail-out anyway.
  22. yeah - why would Fort McMurray want Rod Black in their city?
  23. I have no doubt the city of Fort Mac is making it worth the Eskimos while to come up. They've got tons of cash to burn. There's no way the Eskimos lose money on this deal. If they do they're idiots. Even the Argos could make money on this, and THAT's saying something.
  24. makes sense - better than just hiding them on the IR like most teams have done in the past.
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