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Everything posted by kelownabomberfan

  1. and if they had done that then everyone would be saying that it wasn't fair that Hall saw Hamilton's second team defence while Clement got to go against 3rd string. I have no doubt that whatever Burke did, someone would have complained.
  2. yeah, that stadium is pretty brutal.
  3. If they like football why go to an Argos game? Yuck. That said, I guess someone has to go.
  4. Seriously? You have pictures from other Grey Cups? I guess I'd like to see the 1991 and 2004 pics, those were the only Grey Cup you guys have won in the last few decades where the league didn't hand you a franchise QB. The 1991 and 2004 Cups were the two I didn't mind you guys winning - 1991 because of Dunigan and John Candy and 2004 because of the feel good of Damon Allen winning it, you don't often see a grandfather winning a Cup!
  5. heh yeah and 49,500 of them were all thinking the same thing - who are these guys and why are they holding that silver thing over their heads?
  6. why would the Muambas go to a game where their kids aren't even playing? Are they doing some scouting?
  7. actually Iso, that's exactly what Bud Grant did in 1962 when they lost 53-0. Exactly.
  8. hey hey - that's a good idea - because someone might actually show up to ours!
  9. anyone found a user/password or a stream yet?
  10. No, trust me. Not overlooking that at all. The fact that he was tied or barely ahead of Nichols in camp says a lot to me. Also his crap-tastic performance in the pre-season game didn't exactly inspire much confidence either. That said, he lights it up in the game tomorrow and I may hold out some hope for Edmonton this year. But not much.
  11. I am hoping that's how IGF is going to be this year - so loud that teams can't deal with it on offense. The 13th man could be a real weapon. If the fans actually get to their seats.
  12. I want to see Zach Anderson make Hank cry, like Muamba did to him last year.
  13. Burke is using what he learned from Trestman? Oh man, what a terrible mentor!
  14. they probably have 100 posters, but it's just Snuggles and Bluto with 50 different aliases each.
  15. Zontar aka Dr. Snuggles - come on man - give it up! We'd do it for you!
  16. what I remember most was that the Bombers said in the 1983 final that they couldn't hear anything because it was so loud (83 was the first year for BC Place, so no teams were prepared for the noise), so in 84 they used some kind of special ear plugs and practiced with loud crowd noise to counter-act the noise. 1984 was a totally different game. Of course it helped that Clements could actually play that game. Clements had a habit of getting injured a lot too. He played the Grey Cup game almost completely numb from the Novocaine shots as he had some seriously damaged ribs.
  17. I agree. The only reason we didn't win one earlier than 1984 was due to the Eskimos being basically unbeatable with Warren Moon as their QB between 1978-83, who was only playing in the CFL because those stupid rednecks wouldn't let him play QB in the NFL. It would be on par with trying to beat the Lions today if they had RGIII. Purely by accident I was at the Seahawks game last year where they honoured Warren Moon. That was cool.
  18. man quite the collection of walking wounded already. I just hope we have a starting RT and a starting RB on June 27th. That would put us ahead of last year's opening game where we had to start the human turnstyle Taormina and the "don't ask me to run a screen" Bloi Dei Dorzon. Man last year was just such a cluster-freak. Unbelievable.
  19. That being said, Louisiana is about as corrupt as it gets. The US gave New Orleans billions to upgrade their dyke system and instead the politicians and their cronies all just pocketed the cash, so when Katrina hit the levees weren't nearly strong enough, and still made out of dirt.
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