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Everything posted by TBURGESS

  1. Do they really? I want you to actually justify that comment because I see a team that lost because they turned the ball over when they got it and that isn't affected by the Riders picking up meaningless rushing yards (and yes they were meaningless because they didn't result in a hell of a lot of points) Cuz you asked so nicely.... Rider's offense was almost non-existent before they started running Messam. Continue with that and our offense gets more chances with the ball, their defense gets tired due to lopsided TOP, they lose the field position battle and the game. The yards weren't meaningless, although your posts are getting more and more so.
  2. It's not one or the other. Riders lose without Messam's 125 yards of rushing in the second half. They also lose if we don't turn the ball over.
  3. A stat on one of last nights game said that Grigsby's used in more than 25% of our offensive plays. IIRC he was 4th on the list of most used players. The coaches must see something in him to warrant that number of touches.
  4. Hamilton keeps hanging in there with the good teams but can't seem to make that one last play to win. That kind of effort will eventually get them a few wins this year, mostly against eastern competition.
  5. My 2 posts of the 3 pages of this thread really got to you eh?
  6. Grigsby's a great receiver out of the backfield, but that's not the same skill set as running accurate patterns and getting open. As I've said before... I blame the lack of a running game more on the O line than the RB's.
  7. You don't have to be in the huddle to see Willy not look anywhere except at JFG. He didn't go through any reads. He locked in and then threw a soft ball. He admitted in his post game interview that he shouldn't have thrown the ball. If the OC didn't call that play, then Willy changed it at the line. Either way. A 5 yard out to the sidelines is a bad play call in the situation they were in. Add in the fact that Willy locked in and threw a soft ball, and you are almost guaranteed a bad result. Either a knockdown or a pick. As there's no one between the pick and the goal line, you have to expect a big return if it's picked. IMO: Bad call and bad execution.
  8. Messam did more in 1 half of football than Volny's done in his career. Messam is a valid backup for an Import RB, which saves a DI. Volny? Not so much. Messam turned a loss into a win against a Western Division opponent who's above Regina in the standings. Ford didn't crack the Bombers defence open behind the same O line in the same game. Messam did. Messam wasn't getting 7 yards down the field before we touched him. He was breaking first contact then going downfield in a lot of cases. If Messam does nothing else for the rest of the season, he's already earned his paycheck. Messam's size and strength would net him more yards inside the tackles than Grigsby, give us a DI back and give us a change of pace.
  9. I'll say it, if no one else will... it's horrible. FTR: I think there should only be 2 jerseys for each team. Home and away. I don't care if it's tradition that one team is white and the other has colour. Folks with black and white TV's need to get with the times.
  10. Ford was limping when he spelled Messam. I don't think he was close to 100%.
  11. Willy: 3 INT's and a fumble. Washington: 1 fumble and a bad decision to bring it out after the missed FG. Neither guy is going to be on the player of the week list.
  12. Who was it that I was arguing with about Messam? FYI: That's why he was a good choice.
  13. It's more about what Willy would choose than what the Bombers said, but of course, you've made your mind up and I'm not going to change it. yeah except my mind was made up by logical reasoning and facts, yours by the voices in your head. Your 'logical reasoning and facts' amount to 'The Bombers said they wanted him so they'd surely get him'.
  14. I need a new jersey too, but I can't bring myself to buy the current ones. Royal Blue is the right colour for the Bombers IMHO.
  15. I recall reading somewhere that they went after the free agents in the order they were available but that they had no bearing on order of interest You read that on the forums for sure. Right after we managed to sign Willy.
  16. It's more about what Willy would choose than what the Bombers said, but of course, you've made your mind up and I'm not going to change it.
  17. It's not ONLY who pays the most. Our biggest advantage was the open starting QB spot. That would be gone if we'd already signed the top FA in the offseason, Collaros. (Willy's turned out to be the best signing, but it's revisionist history to suggest he was thought of as the best FA in the offseason) I doubt we make the trade to get him before FA season if we'd already signed Collaros, so that advantage would be gone too. Willy would have probably had a choice among Mtl, BC, and Wpg. Mtl had a better O line (It's the offseason) and a fairly stable team that looks like it will be a contender in the East. BC has a stable team, is known as a QB factory, and looks like it will be a contender in the West. Wpg has 'blown the whole thing up' every year or two, is known as a QB graveyard, isn't thought of as a contender and just signed Collaros. I know we're talking hypothetically and there's no one right answer, but I think there's a very strong case to be made that Willy wouldn't sign in Winnipeg if Austin didn't take the huge risk of letting Burris go and signing Collaros. In fact, I don't think we'd have gotten Willy if we'd signed Burris too.
  18. It was already known that Lulay wouldn't be ready to start the season. Willy would have had a choice of signing with Wpg after we just signed Collaros and compete for the starting job or sign with BC and get some guaranteed starts at the beginning of the season. I don't think his first choice would have been Winnipeg in that case. I also don't think we'd have paid him as much as we did if we already had Collaros, which would further reduce our chances of getting him.
  19. BC's new uni from last year is the best I've seen in a long time. If we get camo instead, I won't buy one.
  20. It doesn't matter where we are on the weekly power rankings, but I agree with the CFL.CA version.
  21. Before the season started, I thought we'd win 6-8 games. Now that I've seen them play so well, I'll up that to 9-10 games which means playoffs, then anything can happen.
  22. We should all be kneeling down and kissing Austin's ring. If he hadn't decided to take a huge risk and let Burris go, Collaros would have taken our offer, Glenn would have stayed in Ottawa and Willy would most likely have ended up in BC. (No I don't think we'd have been able to get both Collaros and Willy) I don't remember folks taking shots a Austin last year when Hammy was winning and we were losing. Most fans, including me, would have loved to have him in Winnipeg instead of Burke. We'd have loved the passion he shows because we were passionless. Now that we are finally winning, some of our fans are saying the only way to be a good HC is to be like O'Shea. I prefer cool calm and collected, but don't hate Austin or Jones for that matter.
  23. No actual coaching experience, but he does train QB's so he could help Montreal.
  24. I do think that Willy will be just as motivated as Ford, but it's not like the Riders cut Willy. He moved on because he wanted to start.False. Taman is on record as saying that they were moving on from Willy because he didn't fit their plans and they like their current back up better. They were going to let him go to FA but we tossed em a token piece for his neg rights. I don't care how Taman wanted to spin it. Willy was leaving to get a shot at starting. "I don't care what people who know the actual facts say, I'm sticking with my idea!!!" You're as obnoxious as ever. You really think that Willy would re-sign with the Riders to sit on the bench for another season when he had a chance to start elsewhere and to make starters money?
  25. I don't have any sympathy for other teams or their fans but it's bad form to take shots at them IMO. Stay classy my friend... stay classy.
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