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Everything posted by TBURGESS

  1. I think that Bryant and Kuale are O'Shea mistakes, but I don't think the 3rd and 1 is. If we go for it and don't make it, the game is pretty much over right there and we lose. Kicking the FG gets us the lead and puts Regina a long way away from the red zone. If it's a half yard instead of a full yard, then sure... go for it.
  2. The Non-PI call was the right call. The DB turned his head enough to locate the ball. He got his hand on the ball in front of the receiver. The only thing you could call him on is the arm on the shoulder and they almost never call that unless the DB turns the receiver and he didn't. I didn't expect a call the first time I saw it at game speed and I didn't expect one when I saw it over and over in slowmo. That's exactly the kind of non-PI that shouldn't be reversed on a challenge. It was the right call by O'Shea to throw the challenge flag just in case. I did think the Riders were off side on Durants 9 yard run. It wasn't the only time in the game that I thought a receiver was off side. Half the time it was us and almost none of them were called.
  3. It didn't work out, but I think it was the right call. Take the lead and put it in the defenses hands to win it.
  4. Both QB's have hand issues which affect accuracy. Could come down to which team makes the least mistakes.
  5. I'd take Williams in a heartbeat. BTW: There's nothing the matter with going where the money is.
  6. Great helmets. Readable numbers. Black, Red and White. Top 3 look IMHO.
  7. He's a free agent so no reason other teams shouldn't pursue him, hopefully Walters is making inquiries. He's a Hamilton draft pick, not a free agent.
  8. Gotta say I'm surprised that Dressler left 50K on the table. Maybe the half-season (9-11 games) contract was worth more to him than 1.5 seasons in Ottawa.
  9. At $250K, Ottawa can have him. Not worth it IMHO. Mr. Matthews... you're on the clock as soon as you get cut.
  10. The Bombers management has been a mess for years. I applaud Millar for trying to do something about it. Bell seemed like a nice guy and was given the dirty work to do, but that's not the same as being great at his job.
  11. I've been on the 1 division bandwagon for years. The best teams should play in the playoffs. The worst teams should have to get better to be included.
  12. If you're Dressler why on earth would you choose Ottawa, a team unlikely to win another game this season? I didn't say Dressler would choose Ottawa. I said it'd be huge if Ottawa could get him. I also think Dressler would make it so Ottawa could win a couple of games this season.
  13. He'd be a huge acquisition for Ottawa. Give them someone to consistently throw the ball too and a deep threat. Might be able to turn that offense from putrid to average.
  14. I think the Redblacks will win one or two more this year, but thats about it. I expect they will be active in signing NFL cuts, especially looking for a difference making receiver with big speed to stretch the defense. They could use a couple of better DB's too.
  15. Stamps and Esks are the top tier in the CFL and Bombers, Riders and Lions are the second tier. The last playoff spot will be determined by how well we play against the Riders and the Lions IMHO.
  16. Montreal's only played 1 eastern team so far. They have the easiest 2nd half of the season in the league. They are starting to turn things around and their new QB, Pornstash, looks better than any other QB they've put out there this year. They have a good defense, good special teams, and a good O line. I'll bet they have a much better 2nd half of the season than their first half.
  17. Esks have now scored 31 unanswered points in a half without Reilly against the team who beat us last week. It's official... they are for real.
  18. We only play the east twice in the second half of the season and all our wins except for 1 have been over eastern teams. 4 of our 6 wins are late comebacks that could have gone either way. Our best offense was the first week. It's no longer even competent. 3 first downs in 3 quarters last night against one of the worst teams in the league. I don't expect us to be 6-3 in the second half of the season.
  19. I wouldn't call 4 carries in the entire game the "whole 3rd quarter". You guys need to stop acting like Cotton was given the ball 10-20 times in the game. I'm not saying he's the guy, but you can't judge him on a few plays. And I'm just gonna come right out and say it. Our RB coach is Buck Pierce. Why is a QB teaching a RB how to play? It's no wonder our RB isn't getting better. Grigsby is pretty much getting lucky with his runs. What he excels at is his ability to receive. I'm not acting like Cotton got 10-20 chances. He did get the whole 3rd quarter. FYI: Quarters are 15 minute increments used in football games. I don't have a horse in this race. Both Grigsby and Cotton have had their moments.
  20. I didn't think there was a lot of pressure on Willy tonight. Certainly no where near as much as the last time they played the Als. A couple of drops by the receivers on low balls which can be hard to catch. We had about 3 first downs going into the 4th quarter. At least he protected the ball this week. Willy's a first year starter. Every game's not going to be a gem.
  21. The good: The Stoudermire return The blocked punt Winning ugly The bad: Our offense for most of the game PI or not PI? Should be called by the refs, not reviewed upstairs. Two weeks in a row marginal ones got called upstairs. Punting out of the endzone twice. Could have cost us big time. Ping off the uprights on short FG's. The ugly: Those pigeon poop uniforms.
  22. Give Montreal some props for playing good defense, but didn't like the play calling or the execution tonight. We need to play 4 full quarters next week if we want to win, not the last half of the 4th.
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