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Everything posted by TBURGESS

  1. Milanovich isn't quitting his CFL HC job to become anyone's CFL OC. Ottawa would offer him their HC job (We should too, but probably wouldn't). US Universities might offer him an HC job that pays more than he'd ever get in the CFL.
  2. I don't mind the question if O'Shea's job was safe and I don't mind the answer.
  3. I'm not interested in bringing back any of the coordinators. MB's offense hasn't changed since he made Calvillo look like he was done. He's had a year and a half with the Bombers and we've seen the results. Our offense isn't going to get much better as long as we have him as OC. Etch's defense is what we thought it would be. He isn't going to change to a more conventional defense or a 3-4. I think the CFL has moved forward and Etch hasn't moved with the times. I worry that the Bombers brass will use the 'We beat the best team in the league in the last game' as an excuse to keep the coordinators and expect to turn it around next year like we did after that 4 win season a few years back. I'd prefer they make the decisions in the next couple of weeks and use Grey Cup week to do interviews.
  4. Watson's not an 18 game guy and he isn't a difference maker anymore when he is in. Having 3 NI receivers would handcuff our offense IMHO.
  5. Isn't the $100 discount for buying your season tickets for the next 3 years? In other words only folks who have season tickets and are willing to get into a 3 year contract get the discount.
  6. I'm not worried about losing Sears to the NFL. I doubt he even gets a sniff. Wild on the other hand could get a shot and I'd hate to lose him.
  7. Darn. Now we need Toronto to win next week to keep our 2nd rank picks in each draft round.
  8. and yet still only gave up 13 points. I understand that people want a different system but the rushing yards given up haven't translated into a lot of points on the score board most nights. We only gave up 13 points because Calgary gave the ball away 6 times, not because rushing yards don't matter.
  9. I'm going with BC, probably because I'm out here and hear a lot more about them than any other team. Also, I'm a fan of Wally Buono. Followed his career since his days in Calgary.
  10. Marve outplayed Willy in the game. He moved the pocket. He extended plays. He threw accurately on the run. He showed off a quick release to beat the blitz. He ran the ball. He threw a short ball for a TD instead of looking for the deep one in the back of the end zone. All in all, the best we could have hoped for of a rookie QB in those conditions. I think his play yesterday means we don't have to 'overpay' to re-sign Brohm, but it doesn't mean that Marve is fighting for the #1 spot next year.
  11. Interesting that you removed the entire part of my post that talked about how I see the Winnipeg media. If you bothered to read any of it, you wouldn't say I was aligning with the writers. The writers aren't 'getting away' with anything. They are doing what they will always do... writing stuff that folks will talk about. I asked you 2 questions. You responded by saying one was accurate, but you didn't explain how it could be. If you agree with an inaccurate heading, to me, that means you're aligning with the writer. The rest of it is pablum, and I didn't ask about it, therefore I didn't include it. You didn't answer the second part. Your 2 questions were the same question rephrased. First about the article. Second about the thread topic. I explained it, you simply don't agree with my explanation. That's not the same thing as agreeing with your opinion or agreeing with the writers.
  12. Interesting that you removed the entire part of my post that talked about how I see the Winnipeg media. If you bothered to read any of it, you wouldn't say I was aligning with the writers. The writers aren't 'getting away' with anything. They are doing what they will always do... writing stuff that folks will talk about.
  13. Curious on your reasoning for not wanting Brohm back. Wouldn't it make sense to have your QBs play a similar style in terms of developing plays / game plans / and prep for how you are going to attack an opponent? So that when the backup has to come in, they can essentially execute the same game plan that was planned for? Or do you look at having the different style as a change of pace QB. A 1a/b type situation where you can throw a guy in for a different look and have a few designed plays for him to execute. And this isn't meant as a shot against Marve or anything like that. I really like what I've seen from the guy and do want to see more. Just curious about your reasoning for dumping Brohm. I said I don't care if we sign Brohm or not, not that I don't want him back. I prefer to have a backup QB with a different skill set than the starter. I think that the #2 guy should get some game reps if the starter isn't playing well. Think Clements / Huffer if you will. I don't see any 1a / 1b situation in Willy / Brohm. Willy's our starter and any backup only comes in if the starter is hurt. I'm not a big Brohm fan. He's better than Hall and Goltz from last year, but I think Marve is too. I'd be comfortable with Marve at #2 and newguy #541 at #3.
  14. My take: Resign: DT Zach Anderson CB Matt Bucknor OL Glenn January - Still hope we can upgrade LT, but we need a plan B LB Johnny Sears LB Ian Wild Don't Care Either Way: QB Brian Brohm - Same as Willy and we don't need 2 of the same style QB QB Josh Portis - Hard to say, didn't see him play LB Mike Cornell - NI is his only advantage LB Desia Dunn - If we get a real MLB, Wild and Unamba should be the OLB's (I can't remember what Etch calls them). Could be a good plan B guy. DB Demond Washington - Too many penalties for me. OL Gord Hinse - Stop gap center. OL Devin Tyler - Journeyman OL LB Rene Stephan - 5 special teams tackles in 2 years. NI. Bye-Bye: WR Romby Bryant - No upside, didn't play well enough WR Aaron Kelly - Good hands. Has a hard time getting open. Should be able to upgrade. RB Carl Volny - 4 years, 5 special teams tackles, 168 yards rushing don't impress me much
  15. So, tell us what you think of the heading Wiecek used. Is it accurate? Even the heading on this thread. Is it accurate? As far as what O'Shea says to the media, the heading is accurate. He's not admitting there are any problems and he's putting off the questions until after the season's over. 'Everyone's got to get better' is a platitude that doesn't mean anything unless you say what they aren't good at and what they need to get better at. It doesn't matter what the heading is or what's in the article. If the media aren't being Bomber cheerleaders they're gonna get roasted around here. I can almost see the spittle and foam coming out of some folks mouths as they type. The Winnipeg media isn't the cream of the crop. The talent pool in Canada has the depth of a puddle and the best reporters go where the money and prestige are. That's not Winnipeg. Most of the Winnipeg media couldn't get the same jobs they hold in other cities. They are lazy. They ask poor questions. They don't think on their feet. They don't sound like they prepare well. They repeat the same paragraphs in almost every article. I don't know how many times I've read x losses in a row, y out of z this year. Different reporters write the same story in each paper, sometimes using the same phrases. They write whatever sells papers and during an 8 game slide that's going to be mostly negative. Walters is the only one in the Bombers who seems to get it IMO. His media scrums are full of info and considered responses. He tells it like he sees it and isn't afraid of telling the media what's off limits without coming off as antagonistic. I don't think I've seen a negative interpretation of a Walters interview. I wish he'd do more of them. Other than that, the Bombers treat the media like an enemy by making their jobs more difficult, not letting them talk to anyone except the coach and the coach doesn't tell them anything, When you treat the media like the enemy don't whine when they act like it. The posters on this and other forums are polarized on this subject. No one's changing the other sides opinion, yet we have a weekly media bashing where exactly the same things are said over and over and over ad nauseam. Nothings really changed since Kelly was running things and nothing is likely to in the near future.
  16. Oh boy. Another media bashing session filled with I Love the way O'Shea handles the media vs I Hate the way O'Shea handles the media. What do you expect him to do vs I want him to be honest. Throw in a bunch how the media is lazy and how they don't ask the right questions how they spin things and my fav... How O'Shea is obviously different behind the scenes than he is in public. Carry on folks...
  17. Fans don't run the team. Media doesn't run the team. The coaches and management run the team. They're impatient because they will be fired if they don't produce results. Willy will start and play most if not all of the game baring more injuries. He'll get beat up again, throw some bad passes, make some bad/slow decisions and hang another loss on his resume. It's more likely that this game will stunt Willy's growth rather than help it. Playing Marve wouldn't hurt his development. In fact, it would help his development and allow the coaching staff to see how close he is to being ready to start if needed. It would also let them know how much the need to bring Brohm back or if they could afford to let another team out bid them in the off season. If Marve started and failed big time, we could always put Willy in. No harm in that scenario.
  18. Players will have their exit interviews and go home. GM / HC / Coordinators / Coaches will start the analysis of how each player did and who they don't want back next year. Hopefully some decisions on the coordinators will be made so the team can hold interviews during Grey Cup week.
  19. and dumping Swiston was supposidly a cap move. That doesn't mean much though. Cap move could mean wanting even more room to go after FAs vs. needing to dump him to stay under the cap. Freeing up cap room in season isn't needed to go after FA's in the off season. The SMS doesn't really exist in the off season so you can always cut players after you sign FA's if you need to.
  20. I don't think we are as far under the cap as most folks think we are. We've had 5-10 players on the 1 game IR all year long as a taxi squad getting full pay.
  21. No single stat tells the whole story, every stat needs context.
  22. I disagree with O'Shea. Willy was easily the MOP of the first 6 games, but hasn't been in the running for the last half of the season. Hajrullahu, Randle and Denmark are all better choices IMO.
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