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Everything posted by Mike

  1. I won't be able to find my comments over on the other site, but I'm pretty sure I saw this coming when it happened. A terrible hire by Popp.
  2. why does that seem ridiculously cheap?
  3. Were you on it the last two years? I've gone with TBBC for the last 2 games.
  4. Most fans want to examine attributes, mobility, etc. You apparently examined their packages.
  5. You're really going in a whole other direction with the scouting report.
  6. My bar is set pretty low. I have yet to see the Bombers score a touchdown at Labour Day.
  7. I just locked up a spot on the bus with Ray's crew. Always a good time.
  8. Collaros and Trevor Harris are both FA in 2014 as well.
  9. There was a deal in the works between Toronto and Winnipeg for Collaros this year (around the time we played them at home) and probably would've happened had Ray not been seriously injured. If he was only nicked, Collaros could very well have been a Bomber. Worth considering: why did Harris go in for Ray against Winnipeg? They were protecting their asset in Collaros.
  10. Part of me thinks that Collaros ends up in Winnipeg.
  11. Collaros was close to being a Bomber at one point. Still could be.
  12. Maybe one day I'll write a book ...
  13. That's what happens when you purposely troll the Jets thread. But it's easier to be much more relaxed here now as a moderator, because people actually give a **** and are aware of how to self-moderate. The community just seems to be more at peace with itself, which is amazing considering the shitshow of a team we have right now.
  14. I don't disagree, but as I've always said ... people have enough ammunition to tear Mack apart without making stuff up or spinning details.
  15. I honestly don't see any twisting coming from anyone but you, Iso.
  16. Really, why are you guys ragging on the Winnipeg Sun? I can think of a number of reasons the Winnipeg Sun could be a valuable asset to the Winnipeg Football Club if they would just work with them ... For starters, the Winnipeg Sun is SORRY! You have read your 20 complimentary Mike Posts this month. Please subscribe to gain full access.
  17. No kidding. He had his first pro start and he didn't do half bad. I saw a lot of good things from Goltz. Roll with him.
  18. I'd rather just go with Goltz and revamp the offense to suit him instead of Broke.
  19. What I'm suggesting is seen as how it was Burke who wanted Pierce all along, could he be the one insisting that we continue to use him despite the OC preferring otherwise? No proof, just wondering out loud.
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