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Everything posted by voodoochylde

  1. Seeings QBs step up and perform is good for the CFL. We need a changing of the guard .. we need legit starting quarterbacks to lead teams and show fans, viewers and any who are curious that this is an exciting league worth watching. This has been a fun game to watch.
  2. Did Robertson just kick at the ball / VA on that sack? Regardless, it’s NOT good seeing another QB (potentially hurt).
  3. Yeah .. they've had Dobson at C since the start of the year which was a head scratcher to me. The only reason I could think of for that (and it's a stretch) would be questions around Eli's commitment level to the CFL .. again .. not saying it's the case .. it's me stretching for a reason.
  4. Nice to see the change and Eli officially backing up Kola at C (with a possible future move to start?) .. hoping this translates into a better overall performance this evening. Go Blue.
  5. I think this is a pretty fair statement to be honest. Am I happy with the shape of the roster .. it's makeup or it's lack of flexibility? No. That said, if we come out and win today it was adequate .. not optimal .. adequate (meaning we were able to get the job done).
  6. We are going to know what kind of game this will be early in the contest. If we come out early, control the line of scrimmage, we win handily. If we struggle to establish a physical presence early .. if we aren't moving people off the ball or aren't able to get to / contain Corny this may be a long night.
  7. At least we aren’t trotting Sam Hurl out there.
  8. Keep a solid rotation on the D-Line and keep pressure on against a suspect Winnipeg O-Line .. if they are getting to Zach and not giving him time to deal .. it really doesn't matter who they have in the secondary.
  9. Kola has been a stop gap at best and he's been effective when the play on either side of him has been up to snuff but this year, you see the whole interior of the line getting exposed. It's not just guys coming clean but teams getting pressure / get home when only rushing three - when has that happened consistently over the last couple of years? As much as I love Hardrick's attitude, energy and typical level of play .. I don't know that he came into camp in the best possible shape and it shows a bit. The fact we run max protect as often as we do (and even had 7 linemen out there in the big fourth quarter of the Calgary game) is concerning to me .. it should be concerning to O'Shea and Pierce as well.
  10. Jay Cutler plays pickleball so .. there's that. 🤷‍♂️
  11. This. 100% this. I love that Lawler is back and agree that he should not only provide a bit of a safety blanket for Collaros but will help open things up for others .. that said, his insertion into the lineup means sweet **** all if we can't give our QB time and keep him upright. We shortened a great quarterback's career by not protecting him property (Khari) I do not want to see the same thing happening to Zach.
  12. There isn’t a defensive player that deserves a star of the game .. they didn’t play a game, they played a half. Three Stars: Brian Cole Drew Wolitarsky Sergio Castillo. No particular order.
  13. O’Shea is a great coach but stuff like this .. as they turn over the core group .. it’s going to be costly from a credibility standpoint. Not maximizing the potential of the roster .. giving players too much rope to hang themselves with .. bad losses. It’s not a good look.
  14. Such a stark contrast to last season. This team looks like a shell of what it was.
  15. Playing like the game was over at the half. Maybe an unpopular opinion but this is not a championship team.
  16. Cole nearly destroyed that dude … heat seeking missile!
  17. Playing like a team that expected they were going to win. O’shea isn’t going to be happy with this game.
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