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Everything posted by JohnnyAbonny

  1. I was at that game. Westwood was absolutely a coin flip. I’ll never forgive the 01 cup, but he did hit a few playoff winners, and that 55 yarder was sweet.
  2. Wondering is Trevor Kennard a close comparison to our kicking situation? If I’m not mistaken he shanked a few game winners at the beginning of his career? He played mostly before my time though so I’m not sure if it’s apt or not. I also feel Liegghio is the best punter in the league right now, it’s just the clutch FGs and converts. I’d at least cut Mortada and audition some FG specialist imports on the PR.
  3. I’m actually mad lol. These are almost as bad as 2014. Hate the hockey jersey. I HATE the mono look in general. It looks like an interpretive dance uniform or a poor attempt at superhero cosplay with those dumb socks and pants. 0/10. Burn them.
  4. I could see them doing the same template as their away jersey with gold instead of white. A wild guess, based off nothing of course. I’d personally like to see an 80s era styled away jersey without the blue shoulders, using the thicker royal collar trim. Using old gold instead of the tannish shade they use now would complete a cool look as well.
  5. Well Winnipeg has shown in pretty quick order to have far less patience than Ottawa lol
  6. I haven’t lived in Olds since 2006 but that doesn’t surprise me. The amount of racist garbage I heard in my short time there was staggering and that was with the Harper government. My reasonable, kind hearted (aka left wing radical) brother who still lives there has been baseline mood disgusted for years now.
  7. To be fair, I won’t tell tales out of school. I’ve been around Theo Fleury once. I realize he has suffered unimaginably. However, one encounter was enough to tell me that I would not take his advice on how to make a mustard sandwich.
  8. Phenomenal writing. Thanks for sharing this.
  9. In retrospect I can see that some of these folks have been looking for a way to play the victim since elementary school.
  10. The holocaust comparisons have me legit sick to my stomach. There is not one thing in Canada going on right now that compares to the start of the holocaust. No red flags. Not a one. They built the first concentration camp and started throwing people in it, in 1933. 1933. When did WWII start? 6 years after that. Their plan, right from the start was to A: Annex the countries around them. B: Have any “undesirables” straight up murdered in camps. Neither of those things will, have ever, or are going to happen in Canada. Who’s building camps here? Who built one in 2015? Are we going to take over Greenland or the US for Lebensraum? What happened starting in 2020 was that a small group of uneducated fools decided to piss and moan about every single ******* guideline during a god damned public health emergency, forcing the intelligent silent masses of us to listen to their selfish, asinine whining day in and day out, right up until now, almost 2 years later Sidebar (During the middle of it, there was a whole shitload of race-based or colonization based progress and/or political bullshit going on and 99 times out of 100 the antivaxers and the racists and the whining privileged assholes were on the same side, therefore forcing the intelligent masses to again listen to a bunch of pissing and moaning from more spoiled children. ) What is happening at the very moment is a small group of actual, documented WHITE SUPREMACISTS have duped a larger group of misguided, uneducated fools into donating them a shitload of money. Nothing more. Seemed like as good a place to vent all that. Sorry if it was too much
  11. It’s 3dn. They just straight up manufacture “news” a lot of the time.
  12. The process that the original ATF used to criminalize Cannabis is pretty well documented. As @Bigblue204 was saying, the campaign was absolutely rooted in racism. https://timeline.com/harry-anslinger-racist-war-on-drugs-prison-industrial-complex-fb5cbc281189 The sickening thing is how much of it was manufactured by Anslinger in order to keep himself relevant and compete with Hoover.
  13. I agree. I have to admit I have a chip on my shoulder when it comes to cannabis terminology and myths on the subject in general. I suppose it comes from spending a good portion of my life under the societal narrative that the one thing that helped my mental health, and quite honestly probably saved my life, made me a criminal in the eyes of many. Sorry to get off topic guys… Anyhow, bringing back great depth/ST like Hallett is always great. Total glue guy.
  14. Anyone at the rally? We were going to go, but the covid seems to be getting bad again and with a 3 month old at home, we couldn’t justify it. I watched most of it on YT. Some really great visuals. Rasheed Baileys speech made me tear up.
  15. THIS. How in the world is he not in there?
  16. Reactive at best. Maliciously incompetent at worst. Another Christmas in the trenches..
  17. Justin Holland had one nice preseason game and I myself was sold on him lol. Saw a lot of QB “prospects” back then through blue and beer tinted glasses. Adam Dimachel, Russ Michna and Bryan Randall also come to mind.
  18. FYI Nasty Nate is Lyle E Style on the CFL.ca forums, which by the way is as brutal as the comments section of any newspaper. NorthCarloinaBomber I thought was the solo last poster on OB
  19. We’ve come a long way from hand wringing over weather or not they’d re-sign Aaron Fiaconni
  20. I remember listening to that game on the radio. When they took a knee, Bob Irving was as mad as I’d ever heard him. “That’s just STUPID FOOTBALL”
  21. Interesting for sure. I haven’t been to any sporting events since before the pandemic. I wonder how the general atmosphere in the world these days contributes to a crowd psyche like that? Public places definitely have a more tense air about them the last couple years
  22. Kevin Glenn’s arm, Dunnigan’s pass off the upright, Khari getting driven into the turf. Nate Davis pantomiming taking a piss on our logo and that godforsaken boat.. I don’t feel bad for any other CFL fanbase ever. Everyone else can suck an egg.
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