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Everything posted by JohnnyAbonny

  1. https://3downnation.com/2024/06/07/sergio-castillo-rips-cfls-new-chipped-footballs-fellow-kickers-come-to-his-defence/ Fire Ambrosie
  2. Agreed. Atrocious and completely unnecessary. If I were Walters, I’d be livid.
  3. Mutually true. O’Shea deserves a lot of blame for that. Little preparedness and questionable personnel choices in some areas. Collaros is regressing too, he hasn’t had a great or even very good game since last years banjo bowl.
  4. I think that’s exactly what’s going to happen.
  5. If Lawler hits the 6 game they’d sure better use that money to bring in Worthy or Alford to return
  6. QB play definitely did not do them any favours. Keeping in mind this was watching on TV. I did see Dobson running up after the play without having blocked anyone at least 3 times. Lofton got beat bad once for sure. I thought the interior was pushed too far back in the pocket a lot in the first half, not so much in the second. I didn’t notice Bryant at all, which is a compliment. That’s true, the 2021 Grey cup was the last time he did. I mean, he’s had a ton of great games since then obviously but I do t recall him leading a comeback since then. When he’s off he says off now. Thing is Streveler is such a wild card in that they only really ever let him run the gimmick offence. I think he can get it done, if you go back and watch his early starts from 2018 he was slinging it. Even the 2019 BB. Still like Dieter Fan was saying, a Strev/Brown combo would have been huge. Would also likely have meant more money for a Jeffcoat or a good FA.
  7. 100%. It’s not like I enjoy being an ass about it or anything. I like Zach and I genuinely want to be wrong lol
  8. I didn’t think so particularly. Decent, not great in the run game, poor in pass pro. I wasn’t impressed with either of the guards, or Lofton at RT, but at least he made that one chip on Stubblefield.
  9. Agree with all of this. Michell needs to go imo. In 2 preseason and 1 real game we’ve seen 2 pass drops, a fumble, and fiddle ******* around trying to catch the ball. Apple and a road map.
  10. I know he’s going to have better games than that, just overall I don’t see him improving season to season anymore, and I don’t think that’s the last performance like that we’ll see this year. I’m going to try very hard not to beat this point into the ground but It’s very hard to get over the fact that they let one of the only QBs they’ve developed in my lifetime go to keep a 35 year old regressing player who hamstrings the cap. They’re going to have to let Streveler throw the ball and play full games if they want any shot at keeping this thing going.
  11. How much you wanna bet I can throw a football over them mountains?
  12. I just don’t see how Zach is going to improve. With his age, the trajectory is very concerning. Sorry but he’s not Calvillo or Ray. I hope I’m wrong but we’ve seen this with a ton of good-great QBs in the league over the years.
  13. You could feel his voice joyfully beaming through the TV when the Argos won as well.
  14. Yeah, seems like they need to run 20-30 times a game or Zach turns into Uncle Rico.
  15. I’ve said this before but I don’t recall seeing a network blatantly disfavour any sports team during a good run as much as TSN does the Bombers, especially since Cuthbert left. I’ll never forget the sadness in Rod Smith’s voice at the end of the 2021 cup. When Calgary was on top, they were all over them with awe and hyperbole, same with Montreal before that, and BC in the early-mod 2000s. I’m glad I’m not the only one who sees it.
  16. Augustine is a better returner than anything Mitchell showed. I hope Smith hung around though, they need an actual returner.
  17. I think the D will get better, and they were good enough to win the game with any kind of offence. If they focus on running the ball until Zack possibly gets it together( debatable if that will even happen) they can still win games.
  18. I’d rather listen to that than another call from “Gail”
  19. I feel like they’ll turn it around this season, at least somewhat but I’m pretty sure they’ll get porked again in Ottawa too. The first 3-4 games are gonna be ugly imo. I’m afraid for next year is what I am. This all hinges on Strev, or someone else long-term now.
  20. No, you weren’t due, you’ve had enough. We’re still relatively wayyyy behind in the **** sandwich/steak dinner scale as Bomber fans.
  21. Oh sorry, I had seasons in 2013 and 2015 so point remains lol
  22. And I’ll give him due credit for that. No one likes admitting they didn’t do a good job.
  23. Doug Brown is the only media guy in town who doesn’t fluff away questions or give easy outs. I wish he hosted the coaches show.
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