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Dr Zaius

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Everything posted by Dr Zaius

  1. **** them up I used to think Nashville's "It's all your fault!" was funny/cute, but they never changed it and then it became lame. Relying on cheap pre-game gimmicks to stir up interest, blocking out of town ticket sales? And Subban is such a ******, Myers should've wrecked him last game instead of letting him bail. I want Buff to set the tone in the first 5 minutes on absolutely anyone in his path
  2. Even though Muamba seems like an idiot, I probably would have taken him for 185. I assumed he would be looking for something in that 225 range. The first few years here the management has been too focused on bringing in a bunch of choir boys and MLB is our one glaring weakness on the team. It would've been nice to have a known commodity, but it is what it is
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