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Everything posted by SpeedFlex27

  1. I probably don't. I am not as knowledgeable as you when it comes to the Jets. I read your posts & you are certainly clued into the team on a day to day basis a lot more than I am. I just know the team isn't performing well. Goaltending & injuries seem to be the big issue. I just think it's unfair to solely lay the blame at the feet of Paul Maurice. That's all I really have to say. I could be totally wrong.
  2. GMs can't keep firing coaches because of mistakes the GM makes. We all know that. GMs usually have 2 head coaches they can fire before it's all dumped on them. For years now we've heard how the Jets supposedly have the best prospects playing in their system since 2013. So far, what have we seen? Most of them are playing on the Moose & aren't in a position to help us... yet. Maybe they will eventually (sure hope so) but the process is taking a long, long time. Meanwhile we don't build by trade or free agency so to be able to draft correctly is ultra important to get it right. I'm hoping that the draft prospects start working out & soon but it doesn't look like it this season. If Chevy cans Maurice it may be the last head coaching fire & hire that he does for the Jets.
  3. They'll never catch up. The season may have 60 games left but unless they go 45-15 from here on in they'll play the chase game the rest of the season just like last season & fail. Jets goaltending is just lousy & was overrated going into the season. None of the guys we have in net are capable of carrying the team. The prospects we have in our system haven't developed yet. Some of our veterans are not playing well & we have injury issues. Maurice can't make chicken salad out of chicken feathers. You can blame Paul Maurice all you like but some of this mess is on our GM as well.
  4. The Jets future looked promising even after being swept in 4 games by the Ducks in the opening round of the 2015 NHL playoffs. They've fallen into a vast pit since. What happened? I keep waiting for all these prospects we're supposed to have to actually start contributing & the Jets start winning. So far not much. We are committed to building slowly via the draft & nor free agency or by trade. At some point the blame has to be put on Cheveldayoff instead of firing head coaches.
  5. Their offensive line is beat up. That could be their achilles heel in this game.
  6. I've never been impressed with Jeff Orridge. He needs to be replaced.
  7. At least Orridge acknowledges Grey Cup tickets were too high. I wonder what ticket prices for the Cup in Ottawa will be next year?
  8. I think Calgary is already a dynasty. I don't know Grey Cup records but has any team won more Grey Cups from them the past 20 years or more? They've been on top for years & years.
  9. Can anyone explain the Randy Orton-Wyatt Family thing to me as I don't get it.
  10. I think the new head coach would probably say that the old coach made the decision to trade for Willy & he can't be responsible for the decisions of the previous regime while Jim Barker coughs uncomfortably in the background.
  11. What did Orridge say the penalty would be to the Eskimos & Maas if he didn't do what was intended with the 2nd mic game? I don't understand the mindset of the Eskimos organization which starts with Ed Hervey. If Hervey had told Maas to cooperate none of this would have happened from the very beginning. Every other team who participated did what was expected even though they didn't like it either. Why would they decide to fight a battle over this hill knowing they'd never win?
  12. That Toronto story just showed how much of a mess the Argos are in & at the very least Scott Milanovich won't be back. Drew Willy is going to need a lot of luck with a new head coach in town.
  13. The CFL is already struggling at the gate. We shouldn't be wishing all the stars to go away because we don't like them as it won't help the CFL to survive. There are players with big mouths & egos on every team. We would have no league without them.
  14. There are lots of leaders in the Stamps dressing room. Carter will know his place if he acts the way he did in Montreal. They won't pay him top dollar like other teams would as Hufnagel doesn't spend wildly on free agents. Besides, they have some young dynamic receivers now that I don't think the Stamps really need Duron Carter.
  15. Like why not just be honest & say you want Walters & O'Shea gone instead of hiding how you feel with some fantasy trade that will never happen? Then, on top of things you start telling us why it should happen. All you guys that want O'Shea gone should just give it up already. He's coming back.
  16. You mean Southern Ontario. Or Bombarier in Montreal. Where all the votes are. It doesn't help anyone else. Everything costs more. At the same time bring in policies to kill the oil industry out west with all the jobs that go with it as the Liberals don't need the west to gain power. Typically Canadian, instead of becoming competitive on the world stage the maufacturing sector relies on government subsidies or policies like a low dollar to keep them competitive when they can't do it on their own. Manufacturing is shrinking anyway as companies become more global like the auto industry. Jobs are leaving for Asia & Mexico.
  17. Maybe you should add that the lonnie's value to the American Dollar which has been under par mostly since the deal was signed.
  18. That made no sense. Having a hard time wrapping myself around that ending with Goldberg. A guy who was UFC Heavyweight champ just loses like that? So much for Paul Heyman's Beast Incarnate. It's like they're killing him off. Man, do the fans hate Roman Reigns. He's bringing Rollins down with him.
  19. He'll be 29 when his contract is up. Dave Dickenson was roughly the same age when he went down but there's a lot of great young guns coming out of the NCAA so it's tough for a "rookie" at that age to make it. For 2 seasons, Dickenson bounced around before deciding to come back as he could see the writing on the wall.
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