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Everything posted by SpeedFlex27

  1. Gray would probably make more than Hardrick in the long run. Most Canadian OL once they sign seem to stay with their teams while Americans can & do move from team to team a bit more. Any CFL team that has stud OL will pay them to keep them. I think they'd be considered a more valuable commodity.
  2. The knee he injured just before the start of the season. After LD as the season wore on, Nichols did seem to get a bit more mobile. Not a lot but better than he'd been.
  3. Starting Canadian OL are the highest paid on the team.
  4. Well, the thing of it is, it's just an opinion. I knew my position wouldn't be popular with a lot of you but instead of playing it safe, I criticized the CFL's DIS promo. I think the league still has a lot of work to do to live up to that claim. I just want to see the game last. Sometimes I wonder if it will.
  5. So, you think if things continue the way they are going & we don't grow the game in this country that football will continue to flourish? Or will it die off? I criticized the CFL for slapping itself on the back claiming it's diverse when I don't feel that it is. Black players play but they're mostly American. They'd play anywhere there's a league no matter what country. Is that diversity or opportunity?
  6. Who thought that Murphy Brown would work? That's like bringing a 72 year old Sam Malone back to manage the Cheers bar again? Long time bachelor Sam tries to put the moves on the recently widowed 68 year old Diane Chambers & pulls a back muscle. No one wants to see that.
  7. They've embraced it as individuals but we know their communities haven't. That will be the CFL's biggest challenge in the years to come. Look at Toronto. Probably the most diverse city in Canada & football is so far off the radar for so many new Canadians it's not even funny. First, second & third generation Canadians don't care about the game. Yet, Toronto FC is flourishing as that is the game they brought to Canada with them.
  8. I was talking Canadians. Most Canadian CFL players are white whereas in the US it's probably 60/40 black.
  9. Maybe I should say Canadian football in general because if you look at community & high school teams it's mostly white. Minorities haven't embraced the game at the minor football level. That's where it starts. As in the future of the game.
  10. No, you're wrong & with respect Noeller, I think that's trying to paint everyone with the same brush. Just because someone doesn't like something doesn't make anyone a racist. What I'm saying is the CFL is a White Man's League interspersed with black Canadian & American players. I'm not anti immigrant & far from it. Immigration is a good thing. There are very few minorities playing the game at the CFL level or below. I don't see the CFL trying to grow the game in those communities anywhere. Matter of fact, maybe the perception of minorities is that Canadian football isn't a game for them. That they wouldn't be welcomed so they just don't play it. There may be some of that but I just think that minorities come from different countries & know nothing about Canadian football. thjat needs to change & quickly. So, then, what are we celebrating then? What is DIS about? To me, it's about some old white guys at CFL HO patting themselves on the back saying, "Good Job??!!" Good job about what? The reality is talk is cheap. The CFL is in trouble. Attendance is down. Participation at the community & high school level is falling. There won't be football in this country in 25-30 years if the CFL doesn't actually embrace different ethnic communities in this country & convincing them that football is a sport anyone can play. That no matter your size or skill level there is a position for everyone. And getting minorities to embrace the game. To rejuvenate it across the country. The CFL needs players of all races in order to survive. However, I don't see any of that. I think the CFL can do a lot more. Each team in every CFL city could do more to appeal to minorities. That's why I don't think much of the Diversity Is Strength promotion. The day we talk about different ethnic players actually playing in the CFL is the day the CFL can start truthfully saying it is a league of diversity.
  11. It was a reaction to what was going on at the States at the time. The murder in Charlotte & the riot as well as the NFL players kneeling. To me it was an Eff You to the NFL. And to Trump. It wasn't done for any other reason than that. I wouldn't put the CFL on a pedestal saying we're better than they are. The situation with Canadian qbs who are constantly discriminated against. There's still bias in the CFL. And I would argue that it wasn't the CFL that allowed guys like Bernie Custus to play qb up here. It was Canadian society. It allowed the open door policy of the CFL at the time. As far as racism against blacks here in Canada it still exists. Just ask anyone who has grown up in Halifax with the history of said racism in Nova Scotia. And there is still systemic racism against aboriginal groups in Canada. It has existed since white settlers first settled in Upper Canada in the 17th Century. Anyone who thinks we're better than the States is naïve. I'm just saying that we act so damned superior about racism in this country comparing our selves to the US when we aren't much better ourselves. The Diversity Is Strength is a great attempt at self aggrandizement by the CFL. Fine, it sold a lot of tee shirts. Congrats, Randy. Now fix the Canadian qb situation.
  12. The Diversity Is Strength promo was a joke. Why does Ambrosie think he needs to politicize the CFL?
  13. I think Nichols was playing with a serious knee in jury which was at its worst in September. That would have affected his performance as a qb.
  14. That seems strange but yeah, I read that.
  15. He. Will. Fail. Reilly throws the deep ball with incredible accuracy. He puts it where his receivers can get it all the time. Jennings can't do that.
  16. I delivered Panago for years & really like their pizzas. They're popular here in Calgary with stores all over the city. Hard to believe that they've shut down in Winnipeg.
  17. What is sprayed on the pizza when it comes out of the oven? So greasy it'd catch fire.
  18. So would I but their level of failure is different than ours.
  19. The Bombers lack of success is an aberration. What we've been through just doesn't happen to other CFL teams. The only other team without recent success is Hamilton & we have 9 years on them.
  20. Not many Burger King's anymore either.
  21. The pizzas come out of the oven & they lay on the melted butter. One of the reasons I never order from them.
  22. Hufnagel isn't Chris Jones. He doesn't need to cheat. BLM was willing to sign for less to help out the salary cap situation knowing that would mean the Stamps could keep another star player.
  23. He took a "hometown discount" when he signed his current deal in 2015.
  24. I don't think they can sign everyone. They have to watch the cap like other teams. if they sign Reilly then that's a huge chunk of change.
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