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Everything posted by SpeedFlex27

  1. You think he was the only wrestler who treated people badly? Lots of famous wrestlers were bad people. There were bullies, murderers, drug addicts, thugs, criminals & wife beaters. You just don't know about it. Most people seem to be focusing on Dynamite Kid the wrestler.
  2. He was a great punter & that was his job as well as holding for converts & placekicking. His punting made him stand out. Not throwing the ball. He never actually suited up & played qb but he'd throw the odd pass out of punt formation or from a botched snap on a field goal. I think he was our best punter ever but I don't know what you mean as integral. As in other ways
  3. I looked at the cities. None of them stand out as being successful. Seattle loves the Seahawks. Their XFL team? They may get 35-40,000 out for their first game with falling attendance afterwards. I think it'll be a replay of the XFL in 2000.
  4. Rest in Peace Dynamite Kid... Tom Billington. Maybe he wasn't the nicest guy in & out of the ring but he was a helluva wrestler. He should be remembered for that. He had his share of suffering later in life including being confined to a wheelchair & in constant pain.
  5. You know, I was thinking. Every team including the Bombers have so many free agents to deal with. This whole thread may become totally irrelevant if we can't sign our core veterans. Specific needs may become huge holes to fill. Pretty nervous time to be a Bomber fan.
  6. Quite the sacrifice considering he was making something like half a million a year as Chief Cook & Bottle Washer with the Riders.
  7. Well, more like 6th string. He was never seriously considered a qb in the CFL.
  8. Well, when you have Jones, what more do the Riders need?
  9. The salary cap for CFL team admins. He was making a huge salary so he had to go. I wonder if Jones takes a pay cut? I'm asking that tongue in cheek.
  10. I wonder what he's limited to physically? Age does matter in your 80's. His voice has also changed. I don't think he'll reprise Locutus Of Borg.
  11. Yeah, those 2 were the best. Imagine trying to throw deep on the Bombers? Shut down corners on both sides. Wow. I can say that David Shaw & Roy Bennett were damned fine corners as well. As was Vince Phason going back to the late 70's.
  12. Sheppard won 2. Just sayin'. But Cameron is the all time punter.
  13. No, but it it isn't fair to just proclaim him the best punter all time either. I saw some very good punters before Bob play & they deserve consideration as well. Ed Ulmer, Bob Macoritti, Walt McKee, Bernie Ruoff & Charlie Sheppard.
  14. I've asked that same question. He's pushing 80.
  15. My answer: Corners: Rod Hill Less Browne Other players that deserve consideration are Paul Brule, Doug Strong, Roy Bennett, Paul Williams & Gord Rowland. **** Thornton was a Safety.
  16. Longevity shouldn't be the only determining factor. We've had some very good punters over the years.
  17. How the heck does Loffler keep being named an all star? Every year since he's been in the league yet he disappeared for stretches this season.
  18. Booch, I think 3 things work against that premise. One is salary. If a player was deep on an NFL roster & sent to the Bombers to play then who would pay that player's salary? The NFL team or a CFL team? Two, would be injuries. There would be a risk having a deep rostered player from say the Jaguars playing in the CFL. Who would be responsible for insurance? Three, I think the different Canadian game actually hurts a partnership like that. I don't think the NFL wants to spend money on developing qbs when they play the Canadian game up here. It doesn't help a young NFL qb when he has to learn a new game for just a season. Just look at Chris Streveler & his struggles at times getting used to the different sized field, motion & 12 defenders. The NFL would want to change the rules to 4 down football in order to make things easier developmentally.
  19. I know you said you were unconvinced but Ryan Dinwiddie coached under Hufnagel & then Dickenson. If Devonne Claybrooks is supposedly ready to be a HC then I think Dinwiddie is ready to be an OC.
  20. Did you see how bad the qbs played in Montreal? If losing LaPo means hiring KJ then we'd be in trouble.
  21. Yes. It is similar to purchasing grain. You agree to buy a certain number of barrels at a price on a certain date.
  22. This is for Zontar as the 2018 Discussion Thread has been closed. Inerested in reading your comments. I think Orlando Steinhauerwas promoted by the Ti Cats to HC because I think the Argos were about to make him their HC. It was either promote him or lose him. Very similar situation to the Stamps when John Hufnagel suddenly stepped aside & promoted Dave Dickenson to HC. They were going to lose Dickenson & Hufnagel knew this so he stepped aside even though he wanted to coach one more season. BTW, I think Steinhauer may be the most ready CFL assistant to become a HC. I think he's been ready for years. He had success in the CFL as Cats DC & then in the NCAA. he knows the organization, city & players on the Ti cats so I think it'll be a great fit. I think he's more ready than Claybrooks who has benefitted from his time with the Stamps as D Line Coach & DC. But he's always had the talent around him as a Stamps assistant. Plus, the only team he's ever coached is Calgary. He never coached in another organization. Can he turn around a losing team without Dickenson or Hufnagel there with him calling the shots? He has done well as the Stamps DC but he'll have to be able to do a lot more than that to make a losing team a winner.
  23. I can tell you from living in Calgary that the Stamps were devastated they lost both years. I think even more in 2017. They definitely saw it as failure.
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