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Everything posted by SpeedFlex27

  1. Nope, this is me in the 1909 Grey Cup. I flew higher than the Wright Brothers that day.
  2. Why should the players control the message? What possible advantage would that give to any player that's hurt? If a player is injured then say what the injury is like the Cats did with Masoli. Torn ACL. Out for the season. CFL teams used to be very open & transparent about injuries to players & how long they'd be out of action. They're professional athletes. Injuries are part of the game & there's no reason to keep injuries a secret.
  3. All the Lions really have is Bryan Burnham with a little bit of Lamar Durant. Duron Carter has been useless. Not a lot of targets for Reilly to throw to.
  4. I do too but what is wrong with him? Why the secrecy?
  5. How many years has he been in the league? Almost a decade & since he was acquired from the Riders in late 2013 he's only played 2 full seasons. (One for sure. Not certain it's been two). This year, he disappeared the first day of training camp & his injury as well as possible return has been shrouded in mystery. He's missed more games than he played. That's being injury prone.
  6. Why the secrecy with Neufeld? Is it because he is a constant injury machine & last year was just a fluke? Like why won't the Bombers say what's wrong with him? Or have they & I somehow missed it?
  7. Sure, sounds about right to me. I'm sure others agree as well.
  8. Ripper comes on here, plays possum like he wants to get along & then like morning follows night becomes the troll we always knew he was.
  9. It's also played in a hockey arena.
  10. That league went thru some rough times financially. It even ceased operations for 2 years.
  11. Man, is that league still around? I think there are only 4 teams.
  12. Foot surgery is tricky with so many bones. The recovery is long as well.
  13. Bo was interviewed last week here in Calgary. He says he knows how he is perceived. He says that arrogance is just confidence & that a qb has to have that confidence to be a leader & to inspire his teammates to be successful.
  14. As soon as management expresses confidence in a HC during an abysmal season, it's only a matter of time that coach is fired. Ed Hervey with the Kiss Of Death... https://theprovince.com/sports/football/ed-willes-musings-gm-ed-hervey-preaches-patience-as-b-c-lions-start-the-season-1-7?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter
  15. Well, it's interesting for sure. I think football at its core is the same as it was 30 years ago. A collision sport & not a contact sport. The only positions you see bigger players from that era are on the lines. Receivers, O & D backs as well as linebackers are still the same. It's a cool discussion, though.
  16. Defensive players could take more liberties back then with offensive players like leading with the helmet legally. The game was more physical back then as the rules were different, I'd say. There were more safeties playing headhunter by emulating Jack Tatum in those days.
  17. Again, I harken back to running backs being able to handle a workload like that... The great backs get better the more times they touch the ball. I'll use Willard Reaves as an example. In 1984, he touched the ball 344 times, in 1985, 287 times & in 1987, 298 times. Great running backs are workhorses. The more they do the happier they are & the more effective they are. You can't limit a back's touches to potentially save him from injury. He could slip in the shower at home.
  18. I don't see things changing. We need a fresh approach as we've gone stale.
  19. Just an aside, getting real tired of LaPo. Please find a HC gig somewhere. Please.
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