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Everything posted by SpeedFlex27

  1. Stamps made a financial decision to hold Mitchell out one more game. This is a team, like the Lions seriously up against the cap because of Mitchell's salary. His injury & the play of Arbuckle has been a blessing for the Stamps in order to find cap relief. Meanwhile in BC Mike Reilly's contract continues to suck the life out of that team as well as he is able to keep playing. That's probably why only some minor player moves were made during their bye week when more were expected. https://3downnation.com/2019/08/08/stampeders-100000-decision-bo-levi-mitchells-six-game-cap-savings/
  2. Put this story in Bomber News because Weston Dressler was a member of the Bombers the past few seasons. he has retired. No surprise, there. https://www.620ckrm.com/2019/08/07/weston-dressler-retires/#.XUvE4ln8XZk.twitter
  3. I read the story the other way. The RedBlacks have been beaking negatively about Harris ever since he left. It also sounds like they low balled him & he decided not to take their offer. Pruneau should just keep his mouth shut.
  4. I had season tickets on the east side at Canad Inns Stadium for 17 seasons before I moved to Calgary. EAST SIDE!!!!
  5. Good riddance. Mother Nature, an equal opportunity executioner took care of what our justice system would never do.
  6. Nichols played badly, yes. But so did our D. we gave up so many yards underneath. Whenever the Argos needed a first down on second & whatever they got it. It wasn't just Nichols. This was a team loss in all facets of the game. That is what drives me nuts. Everyone was responsible for that loss at BMO Field.
  7. Can't believe the promoter is that stupid as to not drop prices. Wow.
  8. The way things are on this board with the Nichols haters, why bother playing the game? Just concede as we have no chance at all to win & give the Stamps 2 points cuz we're ****** anyway. FFS.
  9. Be careful what you wish for... #mikereilly #bclions #salarycapissues
  10. The Stamps are vulnerable at the RT position. Jeffcoat could have a big game. Kasistati is terrible. He whiffed his block & Arbuckle injured his elbow.
  11. Dickenson is toying with starting Mitchell. He's back at practice. Arbuckle has an elbow injury.
  12. I agree. He's the best we have & I'll cheer for the guy as much as I cheer for Harris or any other player on the team. No other qb is out there that can help us. We're now into our 30th season without winning the Grey Cup. I just want us to win a championship. I just wonder what Walters will think as a GM if we go out early again from the playoffs. Would he make an off season move coaching wise? Would he make a trade or sign a FA qb? Interesting times ahead.
  13. Just rattling your chains a bit.. LOL. I still think Nichols can get it done but my confidence that he can is greatly shaken. I'm not ready to give up on him yet, though. I also have come to realize that our HC is one of the most stubborn people out there. He'll continue to play Nichols, no matter how bad he plays & he won't play Streveler even if the team is up big or down big just to give him playing time. We have an offensive coordinator who goes for broke when the score is close then inexplicably goes back into his protective play calling shell & sits on 14 point leads. Meanwhile, our DC calls blitz packages & never varies from them even if the other qb recognizes & kills us. Or plays a soft zone & suddenly 350 yards passing is thrust upon us. I can't do a thing to stop what O'Shea does as a coach so why should I worry about it? Getting bent out of shape just seems so exhausting.
  14. Just so you know J5V, there are fans in Calgary that really don't like BLM. The feeling here is he's arrogant & self centred. He was under tremendous pressure to win last year based on the last 2 Grey Cups before it. I don't know what might have happened to that team had he lost a third. There are some that want Mitchell traded & to keep Arbuckle as the starter. Imagine what the Argos would give up to get him. So, every qb it seems has a segment of their fanbase that loves the backup better.
  15. But they play for other teams so why get all tied up in a knot over that? BLM lost 2 Grey Cups in a row he should have won. The GC loss to Hank was bad enough but to lose to a **** team like the Argos even with Ricky Ray was inexcusable. He has lost to Ottawa in Ottawa in the past in the season opener. Reilly's best days are behind him. He doesn't even look like a leader on the field anymore. No use wishing for something we don't have & the price to pay to get one of those qbs is way too much.
  16. It happens all the time. Teams go in overconfident & get their asses handed to them. In every sport. Nothing is guaranteed. That's why the game is played. No teams wins a championship "on paper". It's won on the field, the ice or the pitch.
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