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Everything posted by SpeedFlex27

  1. Wouldn't it be something if this game was called because of lightning?
  2. You'd hope after almost 6 years in the league he could go out on the field & play. Is he great? Nope & probably never will be.
  3. At best he'll be another Michael Bishop.
  4. A new regime would mean a change at qb as well. Bringing in someone else.
  5. Maas looked like he was going to explode when the TD was called back throwing some paper & swearing profusely on the sidelines. He grabbed his headset & I thought he was going to destroy them thus breaking his promise of acting more like a professional. I'm thinking, "Throw them! C'mon, throw them". But you could see he thought better & restrained himself. That was the funniest thing I saw yesterday. #jasonmaasvolcanonearly erupts
  6. O'Shea always says he has to watch the film to find out this & that when asked a question by the media. I guess he watched that film from the Argos game & came to the conclusion they had a better chance to win with Streveler in there than Nichols.
  7. The optics are terrible. The negative reaction is not surprising.
  8. This rule has been negotiated into the new CBA which I find incredible. This isn't TSN. It's the CFL & CFLPA.
  9. As I said, call the game. Finish it tomorrow. nIt's only common sense. Something the CFL seems to lack.
  10. Media & fan reaction is what I'm talking about. I'm sure the CFL is getting roasted on social media.
  11. They should have finished the game tomorrow.
  12. There'll be some fallout for sure.
  13. I don't think lightning is an issue at the end of November. Maybe a blizzard.
  14. That's the new rule. This game is over anyway. No way the Als win this with the quarterbacking they are getting.
  15. Fajardo doesn't seem to be the kind of a guy who is an asshat.
  16. Man, TSN panel making excuses for Pipkin. Khari needs to cut him.
  17. Refs will call that hold everytime. Washington Had the Als players outside the numbers on the shoulder pads & threw him down. FLAG!
  18. I'd like to see the CFL on CTV especially the GC.
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