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Everything posted by SpeedFlex27

  1. The way they always place the mics in that stadium. Every game the PA announcer is screaming into my living room. We really need some competition televising CFL games.
  2. it's what you do on the other end of the scale that counts.
  3. **** that PA announcer. WTF is wrong with TSN???
  4. Nothing's gonna change unless we fire the coaches.
  5. Other than Adams, the Als have nothing at qb.
  6. Pipkin is a terrible qb. All he does is play poorly & lose. At least he's consistent.
  7. I agree with you on everything you say however on your last point I'm guilty as charged.
  8. Nichols will probably be our qb next year if LaPo returns. They'll sign him to a new deal. Such is what you get with O'Shea.
  9. I found that bizarre. Why not let Streveler do that? O'Shea really does some strange stuff as a coach.
  10. My biggest beef with LaPo is that we have the talent as you say but the game plan just wastes that talent away. Matthews & Whitehead barely used. We have a wideout in Wolitarsky who could be a thousand yard player yet he sees two or 3 balls a game if that. Under LaPo not only do we have an ultra conservative, take few chances, sit on a lead, go into your shell offense but we don't utilize our personnel to their fullest extent except Harris. We should be lighting it up with the players we have on offense but we don't as we have one of the worst OC's calling plays.
  11. I agree with B-F-F-C. On this board, when the Bombers win it's a team effort despite Nichols. When the Bombers lose, it's all on Nichols.
  12. I know that but we know it won't happen. This is O'Shea we're talking about. Am I happy with Nichols? No, but nothing will change so I just go with the flow now.
  13. Here's the thing. It'll never happen. You know it. I know it. We all know it. This coaching staff will not change out Nichols for Streveler so why keep saying it has to be done? O'Shea will stick with Matt to the very end. The game plan will remain the same on O & D with LaPo & Hall. I fail to understand all the angst shown here calling for a change when change won't happen. As I said either here or on another thread some fans wanted stability & that is what we have.
  14. It's really up to O'Shea as he's HC if he wants him back. If he does then he's the starter.
  15. Trevor Harris makes $550,000. I'd think somewhere between $450 -$500,000.
  16. Nope.I don't sense there'll be a change at the qb position like a trade. Miller, Walter & O'Shea are like triplets. They think & act alike. They'll stick with status quo. I wouldn't be surprised if Matt is given a new contract. That is the reality of the situation. A lot of fans here wanted stability & now they sure have it.
  17. Until we start losing. Same old story, the backup qb is the most popular player on the team.
  18. Missed the game tonite. I thought I pvr'd it as the Shaw Cable Tv listings said CFL: Calgary @ Winnipeg 6pm (MDT). then when I get home about 8:30 pm it said CFL Pre Game Show 6-7 pm & the recording stopped. Like WTF??? I don't know if that was Shaw or TSN. Anyway, I was lucky enough to see the last two minutes of the game. Not happy.
  19. I understand prices were dropped significantly. Two weeks before the game & full blown panic mode. Too bad it wasn't done sooner. I wonder if the NFL put pressure on the promoter to do something?
  20. From undermining mic'd games to refusing to shake Esks players hands to overpaying for Reilly & Chungh. The list goes on & on.
  21. Hervey has always been that way. If you start listing off the things that he has done as a GM in Edmonton & BC the term idiot fits better & better. Nothing new there.
  22. Think it's time for LaPo to go this offseason?
  23. Your GM is an idiot. Probably one of the worst jobs of managing the cap & where the money was spent.
  24. I'm sure they think one or 2 guys will be coming back.
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