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Everything posted by SpeedFlex27

  1. After that hit, I hope they destroy that bloody team. Eff them.
  2. Osh seemed in a bad mood all game on the sidelines. Usually you see him smile & just look like there's no problems anywhere. Not this evening. There was a burr in his saddle all game long. He didn't look happy at all.
  3. Strev is a gadget qb. He can't throw. That argument. discussion, whatever is now officially over. When his OC has no confidence in him to throw the ball over 5 yards just once during the second half of the game tonight then it's time to make a change. Keep Strev as a short yardage qb but promote Wilson to backup.
  4. A half a game day paycheque fine is all that POS Rider Lineman will get. He should be suspended.
  5. The leg injury to Bighill may have finished him as a player & we may be forced to sign an impact free agent MLB this coming off season. Can we please.... PLEASE... have a backup qb that can throw the ball??? It appears that Osh & Pearce think Streveler can't throw the ball any better than a 12 year old pee wee player. neither do Sanchez & Milt. Our offense completely bogged down after Collaros went down & it was so disappointing to watch. If we have to rely on Strev to win for a string of gamess then we're in big, big trouble.
  6. I'm pvr'ng the game. That way in about an hour or so I can turn the game on & FF thru all rthe commercials on TSN. Staying off social media so i don't know the score.
  7. Stay calm. It's only a game. Stay calm, It's only a game. Stay calm. It's only a....
  8. I'd love to see a Touchdown Tractor with a Rider home game in Saskatoon against US.
  9. Increased & harsher penalties. Significant jail time. Lifetime driving suspensions.
  10. Also, not a fan of the panel switching in & out depending on the evening of the weekend. Or getting weekends off. They only work half a year & I presume they're well paid. Milt & Matty I can understand as Dunigan lives in Dallas & Milt in Atlanta. So, the commute must be a pain in the ass. The rest of the panel live in Toronto while LaPo lives in Ottawa. Lots of people work weekends. They're on camera four days during the summer & after this weekend twice a week until Grey Cup.
  11. It's a marquis night one week & a nothing burger the next. Can't figure TSN out at the best of times. A week or so ago, they didn't have a game on TSN1. It was on TSN4. Why not TSN1? They had a MLB game. Oh, the Blue Jays? Nope. Something like Baltimore at Cleveland. Like WTF?
  12. You haven't driven a school bus like I did. School buses piss drivers off. They do stupid & crazy things that are dangerous not to be caught behind one. Cars & pickups do dumb things all the time. Vehicles passing me on the shoulder when I had a bus full of kids on the highway happened too many times.
  13. I saw the posts on X. The hockey reporter who posted that out of respect to the Gaudreau family should have waited until the story is confirmed.
  14. What a bunch of entitled & self indulgent pricks in BC. They're just laughing at the rest of the league.
  15. Betts can't stop the outside run. He doesn't turn the play back inside. He can only pass rush.
  16. Like Farhan with the Lions. Cheat. So, according to lalji, teams that spend to the cap but not beyond are not committed to winning??? What a bunch of BS. The salary cap should be blown up.
  17. Als beat writer Herb Zurkowsky of the Montreal Gazette is all over the CFL on X for their horrible treatment of poor, poor Sean saying his suspension is worse than Kelly's & that the CFL is a hpocite. These are two completely different situations so I'm not going to debate the merits of both suspensions so don't even try. Especially since it wasn't my decision to suspend either player. Zurkowsky is a homer. I will say that Lemon was a veteran player who knew better but thought he'd never get caught. The NBA & MLB have given long suspensions to their players. i also believe that an Ottawa Senator was suspended half a season last year for gambling so certainly the precedent is there for a long suspension for Lemon. I think the suspension will cover Lemon for the rest of his playing days & prevent him from ever seeing his bust in the Canadian Football Hall of Fame.
  18. Fajardo threw deep successfully a number of times & they weren't jump balls like Lawler has to contend with. Most were right on target hitting his receivers in stride. CoFaj put on quite a show. He made his receivers look good by putting the balls right on the money. Sure, there were throws that the receivers had to adjust to but if Collaros was throwing like that we'd all be singing his praises as a qb. Then there were times he scrambled & made positive yards with his legs. He isn't the same qb who got run out of town on a rail by Rider Nation.
  19. I was reading that Jason Sudekis was open to the iidea of a season 4. The only one who wouldn't return would be the actor who played Jamie Tart as he has moved on to another tv series. Living in England where the series was filmed & away from his family for months at a time is the main reason Sudekis ended Ted Lasso after 3 seasons.
  20. Fajardo looked very, very good tonight. There are a lot of haters on this board but he is playing at a level I have never seen.
  21. Whether we get younger at qb this off season will depend on Buck Pierce, O'Shea & Walters. We can if we want to but I can see O'Shea saying no.
  22. You ncould tell Suitor wanted to gush all over Kelly but had to temper his exuberance because of his sexual harassment charges & 9 game suspension. But we do have some young qbs in the league. I think the talent level has improved, actually from what it was in 2020 or 21.
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