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Everything posted by SpeedFlex27

  1. Why would you want Davis here? He's done nothing as a CFL qb.
  2. This is what happens when you have a nearly 12 month election cycle. Think Trump could stoke the fire of hatred & lies to his base into a frenzy if the actual entire Presidential election took 2 months with a a nomination period from February to June, two week long national conventions in the summer months. a l3 month election campaign afterward, a runoff election in Georgia TWO MONTHS after the Presidential Election, certification of results needed by both Houses of US government, transition period & fixed inaguaration date? Think again.
  3. I saw the video. How stupid was she thinking that breaking into the Senate or Congress wouldn't be met with deadly force??? She was a criminal terrorist & an insurrectionist. She got what she deserved.
  4. Oh well... think Trump cares? Her family will suffer. Not many will be sympathetic.
  5. well, if she was part of the toothless mob that attacked Capitol Hill & stormed the Senate, I'm a lot less sympathetic.
  6. Trump is a terrorist. He needs to be arrested.
  7. There was a serious lack of planning for what happened today. Whoever was in charge should be fired. They seem to be pushing the terrorists back. I'd have liked to see head cracked.
  8. The woman that was shot on the grounds of Capitol Hill has died. Was she a terrorist or an innocent bystander?
  9. Backups who struggled but became starters & champions. Dieter Brock, Khari Jones, Rick Cassatta, Tom Wilkinson, Anthony Calvillo, Danny McManus. Off the top of my head. Dave Dickenson was a third string backup to Doug Flutie & Jeff Garcia in 1996. It took him 4 seasons to become the Stampeder starter & lead his team to the 99 Grey Cup. So, it does happen. My expectations as a fan is that he's our next long term starter. That's what I hope. That he can develop into a star. Do I expect it? Nope. Can I wish? Absolutely.
  10. If defenses can take away his cute little reverse step to the right when the pocket collapses That would be a start. My son used that move when he played & he got destroyed a couple of times. He didn't see a linebacker or DL rushing on his opposite side & he stepped right into them. BOOM! The same thing will happen to Fajardo except CFL players hit a lot harder than college.
  11. Fajardo has figured out how to read CFL defenses & finding the extra 12th man which means he's a legit starter. I mean, we're expecting the same big things from Sean McGuire as a fanbase ourselves. I've seen qbs who initially struggled become productive starters & champions. Some guys take longer than others. Just playing Devil's Advocate here & giving the other side of the story. I've seen inexperienced qbs who initially looked lost on the field suddenly figure it out & become league champions, award winners & all stars. If anyone here remembers Dieter Brock's first start against Edmonton in 1974 you know what I mean.
  12. They signed Fajardo to an expensive contract & now some veteran Rider players will be released. Even guys who just re-signed.
  13. It took years to build a quality OL that gave us a chance... chance... to win a championship. We were piss poor even with Stanley Bryant playing for us in his prime. In 2013, we had the worst 5 starters in the CFL. It took another 3 years to improve. We drafted Tyson Pencer in 2012 & he never played. We drafted 2 OL in 2011 so I don't know how you can say previous management didn't draft OL. More like Joe Mack's picks weren't very good. And that is the problem trying to build a Canadian OL. It's not like the NFL where the top picks can just slide in & play as they're pro ready. In the CFL most OL picks have liabilities that need work & guys can take 2-3 years before they're ready to start if they do. So, it's a crap shoot.
  14. Former Alberta Municipal Affairs Minister Tracy Allard who resigned her portfolio yesterday flew to Hawaii this year despite the travel restrictions because for the past 17 years her family has spent Xmas in Hawaii. Didn't want to break with that tradition. How many of us can afford to vacay in Hawaii every Xmas & bring family for one year let alone 17? Out of touch with reality.
  15. Sorry to hear about the passing of Gerry Marsden.
  16. It took years to develop the first 3 quality Canadian OL. Walters was a big part of that but we still didn't see the fruit of his drafts until at least 2016. By then Drew Willy was a human piniatta. He was getting hit on nearly every play. He never recovered from the fear he felt after his leg was seriously injured. Panicking while standing in the pocket trying to find receivers while his blocking constantly broke down.
  17. To Mark F & others in this conversation, we may disagree but isn't wonderful to be talking ball again????
  18. But don't make it out that the NFL is some kind of easy. That's as bad as what Esiason said about the CFL as it's wrong. NFL contracts aren't guaranteed for most players. How is what the Seahawks did any worse than a CFL GM cutting a veteran player on a 2 year deal because they owe him his bonus? It's the same ****.
  19. Former CHQR talk radio host Dave Rutherford & political columnist Rick Bell of the Calgary Sun as well. Both staunch, staunch conservatives who wield a lot of power. Rutherford just tore a strip off Kenney yesterday. Bell was on the attack since Friday. I have read that making changes to the vaccines for these variants is very easy & takes just a few weeks.
  20. Good comments, Booch. What brings the CFL down is the ratio. Look at how bad our OL was for so many years. That's because we tried to build it thru the draft for so long & we failed. It just took so damned long for Canadian OL to learn how to play in the CFL. Like years. It wasn't until Kyle Walters took over that we found some prospects that did pan out, start & play extremely well for us & we went to having a minimum of 2 American OL starting. However, look what happens if one of our starting American tackles go down like Stanley Bryant. We have to slide a Canadian into his place from another position. Probably a Canadian who is probably a guard. Everybody on that OL is affected & the quality of play goes down. The ratio can create huge gaps inn talent between an American starter & his Canuck backup. If Andrew Harris got hurt, who comes out when an American running back goes in? We've been lucky to have Canadian backs who can fill in but what if we didn't? An American starter somewhere else comes out which causes all kinds of issues with talent on the field & quality of play. My response is what would Streveler's passing rating be if he was the full time starter? It wouldn't be pretty.
  21. Backup qbs are expected to be ready when they go in as injuries happen at any time. Yes, backup qbs don't get a lot of reps with the first team but that doesn't matter when they go in. Look at what happened last night when Philly head coach Doug Pederson benched Jalen Hurts. The backup went in & sucked. The Cards expected Streveler to go in & perform well. We'd expect the same thing if Collaros got injured & McGuire had to play.
  22. The guy is a coward & a snake. Doesn't change what I think of him.
  23. There are some GMs that would be furious. If that was Earl Lunsford & Russell Wilson was Bomber QB, he'd be traded. I don't think Cal Murphy would have been too happy if Tom Clements helped Joe Pop get a $35,000 bonus by changing the play.
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