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Everything posted by SpeedFlex27

  1. Hey Yakishima that's how it's done. Three points from the 47 for the Als 2 for 2. You watching?
  2. Elks offense looks out of sync. They have some great receivers, especially Walker but they can't generate any offense throwing the ball.
  3. Montreal looks to be the best team in the East & it's not even halftime. So much for the "Super Team" in Hamilton., eh Justin Dunk?? They are going to be tough.
  4. Stanback is a beast. He gets a big run & just goes back to the huddle, No stupid celebration after every run. I respect that.
  5. Score a TD & celebrate. Getting a first down is his job.
  6. You can't tell me gloves don't make it easier to catch. Frack off Wilder....
  7. Als looking a lot better than Elks. Wieneke with a freaking great catch!!! TD! Wow. That's a Fred Biletnikoff stickum catch.
  8. That player that Oliveira rocked was Henoc Muamba. You guys never heard Rasheed Bailey at halftime talk about his little cousin in hospital fighting for her life. Sarah Orlesky was left speechless. Totally unexpected. She had asked Bailey what he was thinking when he scored his touchdown. After a 10 second pause, he just said, "Family." Great summary as usual.
  9. 1. Lawler. He is such a threat with Zach. We didn't have that with Matty last season. 2. Willie Jefferson. Those long arms allow him to knock down passes on the LOS & gain leverage on his pass rush. 3. Nic Demski. Another strong game. The fumble was unfortunate as we were driving in for a score but that doesn't take away from the plays he made on the field. HH Rasheed Bailey playing with a heavy heart telling us at halftime that his cousin is fighting for her life from an allergic reaction.
  10. What great choices we have.... Polls are what they are. I'm a conservative voter & even I know that we have no chance.
  11. As long as they kick the crap out of everyone they play
  12. 2 and oh! 2 and oh 2 and oh! 2 and oh!
  13. we many not see Brescasin the rest of the season.
  14. Our defense kicks the snot out of everybody
  15. Leave it to the CFL to screw up the review in the final 3 minutes.
  16. That is a fumble. I thought every play was reviewed in the final 3 minutes,.
  17. Any idea the attendance tonite?
  18. Surprised Muamba didn't hire a tour bus this past off season as a free agent.
  19. How did Collaros complete that pass? Wow!
  20. Muamba may be my least favourite player in the CFL.
  21. If you say you're going to bed...
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