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Everything posted by JCon

  1. I hate this topic. Boo to the snow!!! Boooooooooooooo!!!! And, most of all, boo to all you drivers who have completely forgotten how to drive in adverse conditions! You're out there and, soon, you'll be in my way getting home.
  2. That's another joke. How does Wilson make that kind of money??
  3. Discovery of new object supports theory of 'super-Earth' at edge of solar system https://www.cbc.ca/news/technology/planet-nine-tg387-1.4845760 This is long but very good read. Very informative if you're interested in objects that orbit our sun.
  4. Good. But, if he scored more goals, this would have been 5 games. The Department of Player Safety is a joke.
  5. So, from what I remember, I was told that the recording was done in Houston and that it only included moans ans screaming/crying. I honestly have tried to put the thought out of my head so could be conflating different things. What a horrifying experience. I would imagine that the explosion would have knocked everyone out and maybe later on some might have begun to regain consciousness. I guess we'll have to wait until NASA releases the file. In the meantime, I'll go read Snopes to put my mind at ease.
  6. What I was told by an engineer (during Mini-U, no less) was that the cockpit/capsule was so well built and the way the explosion happened, that the crew was alive until the impact with the water. He said there was audio as it made its descent.
  7. But, Lemieux will have to go down when Petan is back? I assume that's soon. He's been gone quite a while in a very complicated year for him.
  8. A long the topic of dairy farms, I would recommend a show on Netlfix called Rotten. There was an episode called "Milk Money" which discusses some of the ups and downs of the family dairy farm in the US. It's a bit dramatic and tackles "raw milk" but it will give a perspective of some of the challenges faced by an American dairy farm. Canada has a different economy for dairy but it's still interesting.
  9. Top thread on Reddit right now: New York state tax department reviewing fraud allegations involving Trump in NYT article https://www.cnbc.com/2018/10/02/new-york-state-tax-department-reviewing-fraud-allegations-involving-trump-in-nyt-article.html
  10. It will be 2019, everything is available on the internet. And, now you won't feel obliged to wait through the commercials before you go to the washroom. Think of it as a service.
  11. Some of them got sick. I think Poolman was sick earlier this week. There's a fever going around the city. Fever then stomach illness. But everything could be unrelated.
  12. I think he cried, which is right from the GOP playbook. Kav cried after yelling the other day. That's less effective as a strategy but I think he was trying to impress Trump and still use the GOP playbook. It's really awkward when you're trying to live up to so many stereotypes.
  13. I think it was an audio tape, upon further reflection. Guy denied everything. The police showed up. Audio was released.
  14. Wasn't that the day of or the day before the election? The GOP claimed it was a Democrat fabrication. Gianforte and GOP Twitter went into overdrive calling it fake news. But, there was video of the whole incident. Then, the GOP said the journalist had it coming. Then Gianforte apologized.
  15. It sounds as though he glassed someone. He thought it was the lead singer of UB40, which he saw earlier that night. I guess he's always liked beer and was never a red, red wine sort of guy. I'll wait to see more details on this.
  16. One has to be Poolman. Is Lemieux still waiver protected? If so, he's going down.
  17. What would be very ironic is if the Dems get control of Congress, then reject this deal, becoming even more protectionist than Trump. I honestly believe they need to get behind this deal, call it for what it is, NAFTA 2.0, and then they need to attack the "Protectionist President" on his tariffs, which are hurting the US economy. The Dems can't win the House attacking this deal.
  18. I'm not saying it was a bad thing that the former government built this stadium. I am quite pleased, actually. But, the way they handled it, the way they sold the whole idea was less than forthcoming. Never mind all the interference in the process. It would have been better if everything could have been on the up-and-up and not turn the Bombers into the bad guys in this. I think most people see that it had nothing to do with them but some will continue to blame the board for things out of their control. The land deal for the old stadium was unfortunate but I don't completely blame the prov for that. Just unfortunate circumstances, I think.
  19. Hence getting big lobbying dollars. He's set himself up to become mega-rich.
  20. Why wouldn't this go in the existing thread about the 2018 season?
  21. Flake will find a way out of this. He'll reverse course and say that Kav was not convicted of perjury so yadda yadda yadda... confirmed. Flake has got to protect those big lobbying dollars coming his way.
  22. I'm not sure how I missed this: https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/de-minimis-duty-free-1.4845458 Duty free limit is being raised from $20 to $150. That's a big change. I look forward to utilizing this change in the future. I ordered some vinyl from the states and I spent almost $50 in duties and taxes. Still worth it but it hurt me deep in my cockles and in my sub-cockle area. It's not all going away, just the duties. You will still pay taxes above $40.
  23. Probably. I don't really see any way that Petan is going to be a Jets regular but to give him away for free would be poor asset management. Not something the Jets do.
  24. Adams is an incredible investigative journalist. To dig up this plot? Holy ****. He's like a hero. Maybe they'll put up a statue of him next to the Pizza Gate memorial.
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