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Everything posted by JCon

  1. Start the bus, drive West through Regina, stop briefly, then off to Calgary. Once we're done there, drive on up to Edmonton. That's how I predict our postseason will go. It ain't going to be easy but I think we're the best team in the league right now.
  2. More. I think it's $9 or $7? (And, we're the cheapest for cheap draft in the league)
  3. A few hundred seats? That is not true. The gave away a bunch of seats but I still see lots and lots available when I check Ticketmaster.
  4. Trump did it before the guy was found. Surely, they would have given Trump the profile, highlighting he would be a rightwing, low educated nutter, so he went out and tried to blame the Soros, et al.
  5. They are complicit. It's amazing how they are allowed to skirt election financing laws, being an arm of the GOP, allowing money to flow into campaigns.
  6. Why is that funny? Who else would they take? And, yes, I bet Niku and Vesa go too.
  7. The phone call: Trump: Hello, this is President Trump calling. I'm calling to tha... MAGA Nutter: Pardon me. T: I said, this is President Trump calling. I'm calling to thank-you... M: No, pardon me. T: (Speaking away from the phone) We must have a bad connection, can someone help me here. M: Sir. I want you to know I did it for you. T: Oh good, you can here me now. Have you seen my latest poll numbers? M: Pardon me. T: Jesus, why can't we get a proper connection. Chinese are listening in on this, I'm sure. (Somewhere in China): Heehee. M: I want you to pardon me. T: Oh, pardon you. Sure thing.
  8. What's the over-under on how many Trump rallies he's been to? 3 or 4? Has he ever traveled out of state to attend a Trump rally? How many "Trump Train" t-shirts does he own? How often does he call into radio shows? MAGA tattoo or not?
  9. It's so over the top, it must be a Left-wing-Soros-Clinton-Deep State plant.
  10. I don't believe he was trying to frame her.
  11. She's a is a Democratic congresswoman from Florida. I'm pretty sure it's not Steve Schultz that was arrested. She's was the Chair of the Democratic National Committee.
  12. Is his name George and is he a holocaust survivor?
  13. Trump appeals to WHITE, uneducated people. They vote for him. They also tend to believe wacky conspiracy theories. That's why a holocaust survivor and someone who has dedicated their lives to improving democracy around the world is so vilified by the GOP.
  14. And, Fox was pushing the idea that MSM was to blame. In Georgia, 4500 early ballots have gone missing from a predominantly black neighbourhood. In Dodge City, Kansas, they've shutdown the only polling place in a predominantly Latino neighbourhood. Local officials have shuttered Dodge City's lone polling place, citing road construction in the area, and moved it to a facility outside the city limits that is more than a mile from the nearest bus stop. That's some democracy they have there.
  15. Whatever. He's not one of the worst. I pointed out several worse and there are more. Stop trying so hard to make everything Nichols fault. Out and done.
  16. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/sexual-assault-attack-harte-trail-winnipeg-1.4878017
  17. You think so? I wonder if they bring in a new GM and Coach, if that will be enough to keep him?
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