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Everything posted by JCon

  1. I'm hoping this is a "Maas throwing headphones" kind of game. #FortHew
  2. Every site they post is dodgy because deniers don't believe in science. They like to make things up and these sites meet their needs.
  3. I think lots of teams would jump on this. Connor is under the team's control for several more years. He's top line guy, not even in his prime yet. Connor may be the one that gets an offered an "offer sheet". Not sure he signs but his team could use it as negotiating leverage.
  4. FINALLY! I have high hopes for this game. We should have a good crowd with lots of energy. As always, the game will be won in the trenches but even more so tonight. I expect our "lines" to outshine theirs. Willie is going to have a game!
  5. I want see their D-line up against our O-line. The Esks should have confidence and so should we. It's going to be like the Thunderdome. Two shall enter, one shall leave!
  6. Is it Thursday YET? Feels like Wednesday has been a week long already.
  7. That is one. They've "outlawed" headers in the younger age groups and I suspect it will be expanded to older and older age groups. Frankly, as much as it's a part of soccer, the game would continue just fine without the.. Quite a few concussions in soccer come from collisions between the players and the players and the ground. That's not easily overcome and I can't see a natural solution.
  8. And, they're the ones that complain about lengthy wait-times.
  9. They're getting an athlete with some pro experience. For a third round pick, 19th overall, they could do worse. Reach for the stars, Riders!
  10. Tarski and Tiptheballtoadefenderforaninterceptionski? Doesn't work. Needs a new nickname. Work harder.
  11. Folks, it's a long season. We need to keep our dressing room together.
  12. But if Nelson struggles on returns, who replaces him? Demski, I guess.
  13. I feel like there will be a lot of Tier 3 defenders (if Myers is considered Tier 2) who won't sign for a few weeks. Teams will fill out their roster after knowing where their RFAs will be first. We could be into August before we've have everyone in place from the UFA market.
  14. That first is going to be a VERY high pick next year. I would offer a second and take my chance.
  15. That's straight out of Slap Shot! Vicious.
  16. The game is secondary on TSN. They seem so uninterested in the play.
  17. I agree for the most part. When it becomes a distraction to calling the ACTUAL game, it's a problem. I am not opposed to TSN highlighting some of the non-football event attractions. Like, when they talk about tailgating, the Rum Hut, the Pilsner Zone, the kids events and everything else that adds to the entertainment value of attending live games. But, it needs to be measured. It shouldn't interfere with the game. TSN is not very good at balance. It's like Black and Forde were bored and uninterested in the play.
  18. So, if they have tons of talent but are not getting results, it must be on the coaching. Is that what he's saying?
  19. And only because they play Toronto and Montreal twice.
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