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Everything posted by JCon

  1. I'm not sure he can be charged with a crime there?
  2. He's been fine. He's had many partners, he's on a great deal and I'm not ready to toss him out because the team as a whole has struggled defensively.
  3. Oh, boy. That's our best defender. They would have to come in with an over-the-top trade offer.
  4. https://3downnation.com/2021/02/24/you-guys-are-so-full-of-it-super-bowl-champion-db-will-blackmon-provides-glimpse-into-chris-jones-led-riders/ ‘You guys are so full of it’: Super Bowl champion DB Will Blackmon provides glimpse into Chris Jones-led Riders I found this to be an interesting read. I'm not sure if it's a common practice but this seems to be yet another reason I don't want that trash, Jones, back in the CFL.
  5. Fox will continue to push racist, fascist stuff because that's what they like. This is the conservatism now.
  6. JCon


    Coronavirus less likely to infect glasses wearers, study suggests https://www.fox4news.com/news/coronavirus-less-likely-to-infect-glasses-wearers-study-suggests
  7. That's what it's like living next to a super power.
  8. JCon


    Great news. Keep it coming. 15,000 doses of the Pfizer vaccine coming each week in March. No word yet on the Moderna supply. Grandma gets her first vaccine on March 4th!
  9. Owner was last seen making a delivery. Disappeared, so the place is leaderless. Must close. I wonder what happened to him?
  10. What's scarier though? Dying of Covid? Or being attacked by Mexican rapist gang members walking across the border in their caravan? I think we know the answer for most Fox viewers.
  11. But, was it crossed referenced with states that have virtually no rules enforcing masks, eating, gathering, shopping, etc? Just curious. I doubt an outdoor venue, with proper social distancing, will produce many new cases. I'm not sure how they manage the concourse (thinking of IGF now) but, if they're diligent, it should work out. One strike and you're out for those that don't adhere to the rules.
  12. Injuries are to his legs. Having surgery (but might be out now).
  13. Yeah, but first you need to get the teams and players sorted. Done. Fans, that's going to depend on vaccines and the provinces. I'm going to assume that the CFL has a pitch prepared this time for the Feds to get some cash for stability.
  14. Well, not yet, but pieces are starting to be put in place so that we can actually have a season this year.
  15. I don't know what you're talking about. The post I read... flush my eyes with strong sanitizer... clearly said that the the stats were similar across their career. So, there wouldn't be a drop-off. Not my green Kool-Aid.
  16. Are you ready for some football.... talk?
  17. JCon


    Current health orders expire on March 6th. If this trend continues, I expect them to open things up more. They'll want to increase indoor shopping and dining, and, perhaps, allow indoor recreation for children's programming. We should hear more later this week.
  18. JCon


    Manitoba TP 5.4% Winnipeg TP 4.4%
  19. The kids are the one that suffer when parents split. Good luck ,Daft Jr and Punk Jr.
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