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Everything posted by JCon

  1. JCon


    Thankfully, we're staying in Code Red. Some small changes that I can live with. Now, I can finally have that gender reveal party with more than 10 people. I'll reload the t-shirt cannon that I lifted from IGF with the appropriate coloured t-shirts and let it fly.
  2. They don't have a plan. Their platform is Liberals bad, we're better, don't ask how. Jobs! Taxes! Guns!
  3. It's a banana republic.
  4. Edmonton will still get their two first overall picks every five years.
  5. JCon


    I started playing because my best friend played. We played at Deer Lodge. When I was in Junior High, I played out of Charleswood, who would let me practice daily after school, which was right next door. I was lucky enough to practice next to Jeff Stoughton and his team many times. I also played a bit with Kelly Scott (nee Mackenzie) when she was on the Provincial winning team. Great atmosphere and environment to encourage young curlers.
  6. Yes, his speech was progressive, then the party's real platform came out. Anti-science, anti-indigenous, usual alt-right platform. They are who they are. And, this is the party that's going to lead Canada? What a joke they are.
  7. JCon


    67 and up can book vaccines. 47 and up for indigenous.
  8. Ha! I started it two nights ago, saw four hours and assumed that included a documentary. I'm an hour in, so far. I'm not sure what the reward is for making it through a longer version of a painfully brooding movie but I will find out.
  9. This party wants to be taken seriously. I remember speaking with the CPC candidate in my riding last time, who. I personally like, and said I couldn't vote for her or her party because they didn't believe in climate change and didn't have a plan to address it. She tried to convince me that their non-plan was a better plan. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  10. It makes you wonder why anyone would put money into this league? Why would RedBird put money in? The CFL has as good of a TV deal as they can get. You're not going to add a US network for any money. The timing doesn't work for the US (late spring start, fall end) - it just conflicts with the NFL and NCAA. You can't start much earlier in Canada, can you? Maybe an April training camp with a May start? Still takes you into October. Can you do training camp in March with an April start? Who wants to watch a game outdoors in April? Certainly not more than watch now. Yes, October/November is the same conditions but that's the end of the season and playoffs - much more entertaining.
  11. It's all true but it hurts. Why didn't anyone tell me I was dead?
  12. JCon


    Are they booking online themselves? If so, I would recommend that they set up their accounts now. It's really quick but it will delay them when they go to make their appointments. The way it's been going, 2 years each day. They should try logging in each morning, as they've been accepting the lower ages before the announcement is made. Now, that's just between you and me. Don't go telling everyone else.
  13. JCon


    69 years and up can now book. I just booked my mother in for April 7th. I'm almost teary.
  14. He spent a lot of time covering Ontario university football. You don't see him much attached to the CFL because The Score and, subsequently, SportsNet are unware that there is a Canadian Football League, so they never cover it in his shows.
  15. JCon


    It's still incomplete, unfortunately. They don't count the pre-schools that are in the schools and don't count every child that tests positive. It's good for those that were reported.
  16. I get your point but most hockey is shown on SportsNet or TSN, with some CBC coverage. I don't think TSN having the rights is that big of deal but it would be nice if they showed one game a week, plus playoffs, on CTV.
  17. The only correct answer is that he's on a boat.
  18. JCon


    @iHeart 71 now for booking.
  19. Only casual when it's a white person killing minorities.
  20. JCon


    73 is the current age. They're booking a couple of weeks out right now, so I don't expect the eligibility to drop much over the next few days.
  21. And, no one was surprised that he's a racist POS.
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