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Everything posted by JCon

  1. Cue @Noeller with a Yellowstone recommendation.
  2. One thing that a merger (or whatever it is) will do, will be to introduce alternate media coverage. I think TSN has been a good partner for the CFL; however, I do not think the exclusive relationship has produced the best possible situation. The competition in the US, over the NFL, has created better and better broadcasts and coverage. I don't think we've benefitted from that up here without competition. I think TSN could use some competition!
  3. Both sides need to agree. It's an easy one for the CFL to give up, when they don't have more money to spend. Give the players these concessions and save money on the bottom line.
  4. We just can't match the money that they can make down south. I wish we could find a way to allow them opportunities and still give them multi-year deals. But, I can't blame the players for wanting these deals. All deals are effectively one-year deals to the teams, anyhow. The players need some leverage.
  5. Gee, you're part of a group of whiny man-babies, who promote a "masculine" culture of violence, misogyny and racism. Fox, a wing of the GOP, is a breading ground and a beacon for sexual predators.
  6. Interesting poll. I don't think it would play out with an NDP majority. In fact, I still think the PCs would take the majority; however, it shows how much the PCs have fallen. I don't think it particularly means that NDP have risen but, rather, are benefitting from the PCs fall.
  7. JCon


    Have to agree here. I've been downtown a few times over the past few weeks, evening and weekends only, and finding a close spot to the Convention Centre is challenging. Seniors with walkers, canes and other mobility issues trying to get to and from their vehicles blocks away.
  8. How can you have a team with two dirty players? Lucic had to leave the Bruins because they had Marchand. How are Calgary allowed two?
  9. JCon


    It's amazing that our Premier would come out and say that, by April 1st, they could do 20,000 vaccines a day and now that they're getting more, they're not close to it. Where's the fire hose that he said they could turn on?
  10. Mental health, would be one. The GOP mob does allow their followers to use violence as a means of achieving their ends. Capital Riot, 5 people died, Charlottesville, etc. There are endless examples of when Fox/Nexmax/et al have verbally abused people that have led to their followers using violence against them.
  11. The bullying and harassment from him, his followers and the GOP TV sites, like Fox, is unrelenting.
  12. Not a chance. Not the same league.
  13. I'm beating a dead horse here but the CFL has made its own bed. How long have the fans been screaming for more information? We want to know who's on the neg list but for years they wouldn't tell us who's on it. Why? Finally, they open up 10 names. A joke. We want to more about salaries and cap management but they never tell us. Why? It's some sort of secret despite every other pro league manages to get that info out. Gambling is a big deal and all major sports leagues get that but not the CFL. There's money out there to be made. There is a large demographic of fans being ignored because the CFL won't give us the information that every other league provides.
  14. JCon


    First thing I've found. I'm looking for more. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/b117-explainer-variant-alberta-1.5962924 Is it more deadly? There is evidence that suggests B117 is more likely to result in severe illness compared to the wild type, but experts caution more research is needed. In a study published in Nature earlier this month, U.K. researchers found the variant increased the risk of death by 55 per cent. While that number is concerning, the researchers note it translated to an absolute risk of death from 0.6 per cent to 0.9 per cent in men aged 55 to 69. An analysis by Danish researchers, meanwhile, found a 64 per cent greater risk of hospitalization among variant cases. Existing research led U.K. government scientists to conclude the variant was "likely" linked to an increased risk in hospitalization and death. But Smith says the data from the U.K. comes from a time when that country's health-care resources were stretched, which could have contributed to higher rates of severe outcomes. .... This does not address the mortality but it does have some info on the number of variants are of concern (in the US). https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/cases-updates/variant-surveillance/variant-info.html
  15. JCon


    It's like 36% of all active cases. The variants are three times more deadly? (I need to find the source for this. Just heard it.)
  16. Idris Elba? Yes! Who's playing Peacemaker? I couldn't see him. I'm very hopeful this is good. But, it's DCU, so my expectations are tempered.
  17. What happens to the games that Montreal has to postpone in relation to trades and quarantine? I hope that if they make any trades after those games were scheduled to be played, that those traded players are ineligible for them.
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