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Everything posted by JCon

  1. Of course, this will get tossed long before that ever happens. It's a frivolous suit from Trump and the typical 2-bit lawyers who work on contingency.
  2. The rest of what you said is just nonsense.
  3. I'm not blaming them. I'm blaming the Provinces for trying to balance their budgets with the CHT, rather then spending it appropriately.
  4. Discovery is going to be off the charts. Can't wait until the plaintiff interview.
  5. JCon


    Data suggests that B.2 is at 15% in Manitoba but testing has been severally curtailed or stopped altogether. Unfortunately, our provincial gov't is also messing around with data from sewage, which likely shows that covid is on the rise here. They are willfully withholding critical data from us. And, they are doing this to protect themselves, not Manitobans. They tell us we're on our own, yet won't give us the data they have to make appropriate decisions. Schools are an efin mess.
  6. JCon


    To be clear, those deaths were over the past week. Only (ONLY!!!!) four deaths were reported today.
  7. Provinces not been spending their CHTs, which is why this gov't put a stop to it. And. I need to add that the previous gov't slowed the transfer increases from 6% growth to 3% to match what the provinces were actually spending.
  8. Some people need to remember that they are guests in this country.
  9. I would say it's more that they want to control the tax revenue, rather than the Feds.
  10. I don't know about that. Trump clearly wants to be a dictator. He's said it repeatedly. All his moves have been to secure himself as some sort of despot. He wants to be able to disregard the elections, he wants to be able to fire anyone he chooses and he attacks anyone, viciously, who disagrees. He's a racist POS, misogynist, and a criminal.
  11. Missing him? They shipped him to DC to be rid of him.
  12. Thing is, most provinces already have pharmacare to some degree. How does the Federal program differ? That's what the Libs and NDP need to communicate.
  13. 9 Provinces have declined Phatmacare. Can't force them, which is why it won't go forward.
  14. Given that every minority gov't needs another party to help pass their legislation, I don't know what all the fuss is about? It's the clear the Cons have no interest in governing or being a part of anything, so the NDP are a natural pick. The CPCs just keep spinning themselves into a smaller and smaller, less relevant party.
  15. I would say that she's an early frontrunner but it will be a battle. Also, her being capable does not mean that she will have the necessary people around her.
  16. I think you're incorrect. The power has been concentrated in the PMO. Copied Harper. That is not to say that there are not capable politicians in caucus that can't take over and be effective but the team around them will be depleted. As important as the leader is, the team around them gets the job done. That won't be easy. Also, Trudeau does run the PMO the same as Harper did. Everything runs through that office, which is why JWR and JP were run out.
  17. Wab has become much more palatable to swing voters ever since they lived (barely) through PC rule. Both Brian and Heather are toxic. The PCs could get it together if they bothered to get appropriate staff and leaders in place. They're organization has been falling apart. This is an issue we've seen at the provincial level before. Selinger couldn't keep the right staff in place after the split. When Harper left, there was a vacuum and no one was capable of stepping up. I expect a similar fallout when Trudeau leaves.
  18. So, you think Chevy should have sold while the team was making the playoffs? May as well just moved the team. Fans and players would have quit.
  19. It's up to GMs to sort this out, I believe. Are we going to implement salary caps by position?
  20. You should read the Canada Health Act. Feds can withhold funding. https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/c-6/page-1.html#docCont
  21. This seat was never in play for the NDP and they haven't put money into it. It's a bad day for the NDP if the Liberals win or if the PCs gain votes. Otherwise, I assure you, they don't really care.
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